Short Questions
1. Who was Prospero?
→ Prospero was the Duke of Milan and a powerful magician.
2. Who betrayed Prospero?
→ His brother Antonio betrayed him and took his dukedom.
3. What happened to Prospero and Miranda?
→ They were left in an old boat at sea, but reached an enchanted island safely.
4. Who helped Prospero secretly?
→ Gonzalo, a loyal courtier, gave them food, clothes, and Prospero’s books.
5. Who was Sycorax?
→ She was an evil witch who ruled the island before Prospero arrived.
6. Who was Caliban?
→ Caliban was Sycorax’s son, an ugly and wild creature who became Prospero’s servant.
7. Who was Ariel?
→ Ariel was a good spirit who served Prospero after he freed him from Sycorax’s spell.
8. Why did Prospero create a storm (tempest)?
→ To bring his enemies (Antonio, Alonso, and Sebastian) to the island for justice.
9. Who was Ferdinand?
→ Ferdinand was the Prince of Naples and King Alonso’s son.
10. How did Ferdinand and Miranda react on seeing each other?
→ They fell in love at first sight.
11. Why did Prospero pretend to be angry with Ferdinand?
→ He wanted to test Ferdinand’s love for Miranda.
12. How did Ariel save King Alonso’s life?
→ Ariel stopped Antonio and Sebastian from killing Alonso while he was sleeping.
13. What surprise awaited King Alonso at the end?
→ He found his lost son Ferdinand alive and in love with Miranda.
14. How did Prospero treat his enemies at the end?
→ He forgave them instead of taking revenge.
15. What did Prospero decide about his magical powers?
→ He gave up his magic and returned to Milan as Duke.
Long Questions
1. What evil deed did Antonio do to become Duke?
→ Antonio betrayed Prospero and took his dukedom by joining King Alonso. He sent Prospero and Miranda adrift in a broken boat to die.
2. What good deed did Gonzalo do for Prospero?
→ Gonzalo secretly put food, clothes, and Prospero’s books in the boat. These helped Prospero and Miranda survive on the enchanted island.
3. How did Prospero use his magical powers on the island?
→ Prospero freed Ariel and other spirits trapped by the witch Sycorax. He also controlled the island and created a storm to bring his enemies to him.
4. How did Ariel help Prospero with the shipwreck?
→ Ariel created the storm but made sure no one was harmed. He led Ferdinand to Miranda and frightened Antonio and Sebastian.
5. Why did Prospero accuse Ferdinand of spying?
→ Prospero wanted to test Ferdinand’s love for Miranda. He made Ferdinand carry heavy logs, but later blessed his love for Miranda.
6. What tricks did Ariel play on Prospero’s enemies?
→ Ariel made them wander in fear, showed them food but took it away, and reminded them of their past crimes, making them feel guilty.
7. How did King Alonso react when he saw Ferdinand?
→ Alonso thought his son was dead, so he was overjoyed to see him alive. He happily agreed to Ferdinand and Miranda’s marriage.
8. What made Prospero decide to forgive his enemies?
→ Prospero saw that Alonso and Gonzalo felt guilty, so he chose forgiveness over revenge. He believed that forgiveness is stronger than magic.
9. How did Ariel finally get his freedom?
→ After helping Prospero one last time, Ariel was set free. He was happy to leave and live freely like the wind.
10. Why did Prospero give up his magical powers?
→ Prospero realized that love and forgiveness were more important than magic. He broke his magic staff and returned to Milan as a wise ruler.
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