Short Questions
1. Who was Michael Faraday?
- He was a great scientist who discovered electromagnetic induction.
2. Why did Faraday leave school at the age of twelve?
- Because his family was poor, and he had to work to earn money.
3. What job did Faraday do as a child?
- He worked as a bookbinder’s apprentice.
4. Which book changed Faraday’s life?
- A book on electricity, which he read while binding books.
5. How did Faraday attend Humphry Davy’s lecture?
- A customer gave him a ticket to the lecture.
6. What did Faraday do after attending Davy’s lecture?
- He took notes and made a book of his observations.
7. How did Faraday get a job with Humphry Davy?
- He sent his notebook to Davy, and Davy hired him as a secretary.
8. Did Humphry Davy believe in Faraday’s abilities?
- No, Davy thought Faraday was not capable of great scientific work.
9. What was Faraday’s first great discovery?
- He discovered electromagnetic induction, which led to electric motors.
10. How did Davy treat Faraday?
- He was jealous and gave him impossible tasks to discourage him.
11. What is an induction motor?
- A motor that converts electricity into continuous motion.
12. What did people say about Faraday’s achievements?
- They said Faraday himself was Davy’s greatest discovery.
13. Who converted Faraday’s discoveries into equations?
- James Maxwell translated his ideas into scientific formulas.
14. What is a dynamo?
- A machine that generates electricity using magnetism.
15. What is Faraday’s legacy in today’s world?
- His discoveries led to modern electricity, electric motors, and power generators.
Long Questions
1. What difficulties did Michael Faraday face in his early life?
- Michael Faraday was born into a poor family and had no formal education. He worked as a bookbinder from the age of 13, but he loved reading books and learning about science.
2. How did Faraday get the opportunity to work with Humphry Davy?
- Faraday attended a science lecture by Humphry Davy and was deeply inspired. He wrote notes about the lecture and sent them to Davy, who was impressed and offered him a job as a secretary.
3. Why did Humphry Davy not believe in Faraday’s abilities?
- Even though Faraday was hardworking and intelligent, Davy did not consider him a true scientist because of his low social status and lack of formal education. He gave Faraday small tasks instead of real experiments.
4. What was Faraday’s most important discovery?
- Faraday’s most important discovery was electromagnetic induction, which led to the invention of the electrical generator. This discovery became the foundation of modern electrical machines.
5. How did Faraday prove that magnetic fields exist?
- Faraday conducted an experiment using a magnet, a wire, and iron filings. He showed that magnetic fields create circular patterns around a magnet, proving that they are invisible but real.
6. How did people compare Faraday to Davy later in life?
- People realized that Faraday had achieved more than Davy in science. They started saying that Davy’s greatest discovery was not a scientific invention, but Michael Faraday himself.
7. What was James Maxwell’s contribution to Faraday’s discoveries?
- James Maxwell translated Faraday’s ideas into mathematical equations. His work helped scientists understand how electricity, magnetism, and light are connected.
8. What is the main lesson we learn from Faraday’s life?
- Faraday’s life teaches us that hard work and passion are more important than background or education. His dedication to learning and experimenting made him one of the greatest scientists of all time.
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