MCQ Chapter 6 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board LAND USE 1. Which type of land use is commonly found near coastal regions?Mining landFishermen’s settlementsHeavy industriesDense forestsQuestion 1 of 202. What is a major issue faced by cities due to lack of proper transport land use?Increased agricultural landTraffic congestionExpansion of forestsReduced commercial activitiesQuestion 2 of 203. Which land use is most affected by deforestation?ResidentialForestIndustrialRecreationalQuestion 3 of 204. What is a significant challenge of increasing industrial land use?High population densityEnvironmental pollutionImproved employmentDecrease in transportationQuestion 4 of 205. How do recreational areas benefit urban environments?They reduce pollutionThey provide spaces for leisure and relaxationThey decrease land pricesThey eliminate the need for commercial areasQuestion 5 of 206. Why is land use documentation like the 7/12 extract important?It helps track ownership and land utilizationIt reduces urban growthIt supports commercial expansionIt controls deforestationQuestion 6 of 207. How do suburbs develop over time?They remain agriculturalThey gradually urbanizeThey become forest landsThey are abandonedQuestion 7 of 208. What is a major challenge of suburban expansion?Decrease in job opportunitiesLack of infrastructure and transportReduction in agricultural productionDecline in environmental awarenessQuestion 8 of 209. Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting land use?ClimateSoil fertilityPopulation densityDistance from the moonQuestion 9 of 2010. Why are planned cities more efficient than unplanned ones?They have structured land use patternsThey eliminate transportation needsThey reduce migrationThey prevent all types of pollutionQuestion 10 of 2011. How does climate affect land use?It determines the types of crops that can be grownIt controls government land policiesIt reduces commercial activitiesIt has no impactQuestion 11 of 2012. What impact does increasing residential land use have on urban areas?Higher demand for resourcesIncrease in forestsReduction in commercial activitiesGrowth of miningQuestion 12 of 2013. What is the main purpose of land registration?To increase land pricesTo legally document ownership and land rightsTo reduce population in urban areasTo limit land use changesQuestion 13 of 2014. Which government department maintains records of land ownership in villages?Education DepartmentRevenue DepartmentTransport DepartmentCommerce DepartmentQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the significance of a property card?It records land ownership for non-agricultural landIt helps in soil classificationIt tracks forest growthIt registers only residential buildingsQuestion 15 of 2016. What does "Encumbrance" mean in land records?The land is free from disputesThere are legal claims or loans associated with the landThe land is classified as fallowThe land is restricted for commercial useQuestion 16 of 2017. Why is the 7/12 extract considered a "mirror of land"?It contains all ownership and land use detailsIt reflects natural resources available on landIt is used to determine urban planningIt only records residential property ownershipQuestion 17 of 2018. How does urbanization affect natural land resources?It preserves forest landIt increases air and water pollutionIt reduces demand for agricultural productsIt slows economic growthQuestion 18 of 2019. What happens when agricultural land is converted for industrial use?Agricultural productivity increasesFood production may declineThe quality of soil improvesThe demand for forests decreasesQuestion 19 of 2020. Why is sustainable land use planning important?To ensure long-term resource availabilityTo limit urban developmentTo decrease land valueTo prevent migrationQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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