MCQ Chapter 5 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board OCEAN CURRENTS 1. How does the shape of a coastline affect ocean currents?It has no effectIt slows down ocean currentsIt changes their directionIt increases their speedQuestion 1 of 202. What is the major difference between warm and cold ocean currents?Warm currents originate from the polesCold currents move from the equator to polesCold currents are more dangerousWarm currents originate from the equatorQuestion 2 of 203. Why are the waters of the Sargasso Sea unique?They are the warmest in the Atlantic OceanThey are surrounded by ocean currentsThey have the highest tidesThey contain no marine lifeQuestion 3 of 204. What happens to ocean currents in mid-latitudes under the influence of westerly winds?They move from west to eastThey move from east to westThey remain stationaryThey flow in circular patternsQuestion 4 of 205. Why do ports in eastern Canada freeze in winter?Due to heavy snowfallDue to the Labrador CurrentDue to lack of ocean currentsDue to high altitudeQuestion 5 of 206. What happens if ocean currents did not exist?Ocean water would remain stillMarine life would be unaffectedPrecipitation would increase everywhereOcean temperatures would remain uniformQuestion 6 of 207. What is the main impact of ocean currents on navigation?They slow down shipsThey create navigation hazardsThey help save fuelThey prevent ship movementQuestion 7 of 208. Which of the following regions experiences thick fog due to ocean currents?Indian OceanAmazon BasinNewfoundlandSahara DesertQuestion 8 of 209. What happens to ocean currents near the equator?They move from east to westThey move from west to eastThey disappearThey move toward the polesQuestion 9 of 2010. Why are the Indian Ocean currents unique?They are the fastest in the worldThey change direction with the monsoonsThey do not existThey are all cold currentsQuestion 10 of 2011. What is the name given to circular patterns formed by ocean currents?WavesGyresTidesRiptidesQuestion 11 of 2012. Which current flows along the western coast of South America?Gulf StreamBenguela CurrentHumboldt CurrentKuroshio CurrentQuestion 12 of 2013. What effect do ocean currents have on desert formation?Warm currents increase desert formationCold currents reduce precipitation, leading to desertsCold currents increase precipitation, preventing desertsOcean currents have no impact on desertsQuestion 13 of 2014. What is the primary source of heat for ocean currents?VolcanoesEarth's coreThe SunTidal forcesQuestion 14 of 2015. What is a major consequence of ocean currents carrying icebergs?They increase ocean salinityThey create navigation hazardsThey increase ocean temperaturesThey cause earthquakesQuestion 15 of 2016. How do ocean currents contribute to global heat distribution?By moving warm water from the equator to the polesBy keeping ocean temperatures constantBy absorbing all heat from the atmosphereBy preventing heat from escaping into spaceQuestion 16 of 2017. Which ocean current flows near the west coast of Africa?California CurrentLabrador CurrentCanary CurrentAgulhas CurrentQuestion 17 of 2018. What is upwelling?A rapid rise in sea levelThe sinking of surface waterThe upward movement of cold, nutrient-rich waterA type of ocean waveQuestion 18 of 2019. Why do some ocean currents change direction seasonally?Due to earthquakesDue to monsoon windsDue to deep-sea volcanoesDue to human activitiesQuestion 19 of 2020. Which current affects the climate of Japan?Labrador CurrentKuroshio CurrentBenguela CurrentPeru CurrentQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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