MCQ Chapter 5 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board OCEAN CURRENTS 1. What is the main reason ocean currents form?Earth's gravityDifferences in temperature and densityTectonic movementsHuman activitiesQuestion 1 of 202. In which direction do ocean currents move in the Northern Hemisphere due to Earth's rotation?CounterclockwiseClockwiseRandomlyUpwardQuestion 2 of 203. What is the depth limit for surface ocean currents?100 meters200 meters500 meters1000 metersQuestion 3 of 204. What is the unit of measurement for ocean current discharge?Cubic feet per secondSverdrupGallons per minuteNautical milesQuestion 4 of 205. Which force influences the direction and velocity of ocean currents?GravityPlanetary windsTidesVolcanic activityQuestion 5 of 206. What is the direction of ocean currents in the Southern Hemisphere?ClockwiseCounterclockwiseNorthwardSouthwardQuestion 6 of 207. What name is given to currents flowing from the equator to the poles?Cold currentsDeep currentsWarm currentsSurface currentsQuestion 7 of 208. What happens when warm and cold ocean currents meet?Increase in sea levelsFormation of thick fogReduction in ocean salinityDisappearance of marine lifeQuestion 8 of 209. Which ocean current is responsible for warming the Western European coast?Labrador CurrentPeru CurrentGulf StreamSomali CurrentQuestion 9 of 2010. What effect do warm ocean currents have on ports in cold regions?They cause ice formationThey reduce the severity of wintersThey increase the risk of stormsThey slow down marine transportationQuestion 10 of 2011. What causes deep ocean currents?Planetary windsDifferences in temperature and densityTides caused by the moonVolcanic eruptionsQuestion 11 of 2012. What is the term used for the movement of deep ocean currents?GyresConveyor beltThermoclineUpwellingQuestion 12 of 2013. Which factor is NOT responsible for the direction of ocean currents?Rotation of the EarthTidal forcesPlanetary windsShape of coastlinesQuestion 13 of 2014. What is the impact of ocean currents on precipitation?They always increase rainfallThey have no effectCold currents reduce precipitationWarm currents reduce precipitationQuestion 14 of 2015. Which ocean has its currents highly influenced by monsoon winds?Pacific OceanAtlantic OceanIndian OceanArctic OceanQuestion 15 of 2016. What is the approximate speed range of ocean currents?1-5 km/hr2-10 km/hr10-20 km/hr20-50 km/hrQuestion 16 of 2017. Which ocean current flows along the eastern coast of North America?Labrador CurrentGulf StreamKuroshio CurrentCanary CurrentQuestion 17 of 2018. What is the effect of ocean currents on marine life?They reduce fish populationsThey bring nutrient-rich water to the surfaceThey cause extinction of marine speciesThey prevent the movement of fishQuestion 18 of 2019. Which phenomenon results from the meeting of warm and cold ocean currents?High evaporationFormation of desertsCreation of rich fishing groundsIncrease in salinityQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the name of the current that moves northward from Antarctica?Benguela CurrentLabrador CurrentHumboldt CurrentSouth Polar CurrentQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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