MCQ Chapter 4 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board STRUCTURE OF OCEAN FLOOR 1. The study of the ocean floor helps scientists understand:Evolution of continentsClimate changeNatural resources in the oceanAll of the aboveQuestion 1 of 202. Which of the following can be used to study the ocean floor?SubmarinesSonar technologySatellite imagingAll of the aboveQuestion 2 of 203. Oceanic ridges are formed by:Subduction of tectonic platesSeafloor spreadingErosion by ocean currentsCoral reef growthQuestion 3 of 204. Which of these oceanic features is most suitable for deep-sea research?Continental shelfMarine trenchesAbyssal plainsCoral reefsQuestion 4 of 205. Which human activity most threatens ocean life?OverfishingPlastic pollutionOil spillsAll of the aboveQuestion 5 of 206. The oceanic landform that provides the best conditions for coral reefs is:Marine TrenchesAbyssal PlainsContinental ShelfMid-Ocean RidgesQuestion 6 of 207. The primary reason why ocean water levels fluctuate daily is:Underwater volcanic activityTidal forces due to the Moon and SunMovement of tectonic platesSeasonal temperature changesQuestion 7 of 208. The major factor that influences ocean floor deposits is:Wind currentsDepth of the oceanDistance from the equatorPlate tectonicsQuestion 8 of 209. What type of rock is most commonly formed by ocean deposits?IgneousSedimentaryMetamorphicBasalticQuestion 9 of 2010. The deepest part of the ocean is mostly found near:Continental shelvesMid-oceanic ridgesSubduction zonesCoral reefsQuestion 10 of 2011. Why does the ocean floor remain relatively young compared to continents?Less erosion occurs underwaterNew crust is continuously forming due to seafloor spreadingOcean sediments prevent agingOcean currents preserve the landformsQuestion 11 of 2012. The term "marine pollution" refers to:Natural volcanic eruptions underwaterContamination of oceans by human activitiesDeposition of marine sedimentsFormation of underwater mountainsQuestion 12 of 2013. Which of the following does NOT contribute to marine deposits?GlaciersRiver sedimentsUnderwater volcanic eruptionsLightningQuestion 13 of 2014. The feature that forms when an underwater mountain rises above sea level is called:Abyssal plainMarine trenchMarine islandSubmarine canyonQuestion 14 of 2015. The landform that marks the transition from the shallow continental shelf to deep ocean basins is:Mid-Ocean RidgeContinental SlopeMarine TrenchAbyssal PlainQuestion 15 of 2016. The world's longest mountain range is located:On the ocean floorOn land in AsiaIn the Arctic regionUnder the Sahara DesertQuestion 16 of 2017. The key reason deep-sea mining is challenging is:Ocean pressure is too highThere are too many fish in deep watersThe water temperature is too warmIt is too close to the Earth's coreQuestion 17 of 2018. Which of these underwater landforms can create tsunamis when disturbed?Mid-Ocean RidgeContinental ShelfMarine TrenchAbyssal PlainQuestion 18 of 2019. What type of energy can be harnessed from ocean tides?Solar energyGeothermal energyHydroelectric energyTidal energyQuestion 19 of 2020. The process responsible for the movement of tectonic plates beneath the ocean is:Coriolis EffectConvection currents in the mantleOceanic evaporationMagnetic field shiftsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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