MCQ Chapter 4 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board STRUCTURE OF OCEAN FLOOR 1. The landforms on the ocean floor change as we move:Towards the coastAway from the coastTowards the equatorTowards the polesQuestion 1 of 202. The maximum depth of the continental shelf is:100 meters200 meters500 meters1000 metersQuestion 2 of 203. The region where most of the marine life is found is:Abyssal PlainMid-Oceanic RidgeContinental ShelfMarine TrenchQuestion 3 of 204. An example of an oceanic plateau is:Chagos PlateauMariana TrenchMid-Atlantic RidgeGulf of MexicoQuestion 4 of 205. The deepest oceanic region is found in the:Arctic OceanAtlantic OceanPacific OceanIndian OceanQuestion 5 of 206. Marine trenches are generally found near:Mid-Oceanic ridgesContinental shelvesVolcanic hotspotsSubduction zonesQuestion 6 of 207. The feature that marks the beginning of deep-sea research is:Continental ShelfContinental SlopeAbyssal PlainMarine TrenchQuestion 7 of 208. The feature responsible for generating tsunamis is:Mid-Ocean RidgesContinental ShelfMarine TrenchesAbyssal PlainsQuestion 8 of 209. Which of these is a human-induced material found in ocean deposits?AlgaePlastic wasteVolcanic ashCoral reefsQuestion 9 of 2010. The layer of sediment formed due to marine deposits results in:Igneous rocksMetamorphic rocksSedimentary rocksVolcanic rocksQuestion 10 of 2011. What happens to ocean deposits older than 200 million years?They are preservedThey are erodedThey are subducted into Earth's mantleThey remain undisturbedQuestion 11 of 2012. Which of the following is an example of a volcanic island?MaldivesIcelandSri LankaMadagascarQuestion 12 of 2013. The mean sea level is used as a reference for:Ocean currentsMeasuring altitude and depthStudying tidesFishing activitiesQuestion 13 of 2014. The oceanic landform most suitable for naval bases is:Abyssal PlainsMarine TrenchesContinental ShelfMid-Oceanic RidgeQuestion 14 of 2015. The most earthquake-prone oceanic region is:Mid-Oceanic RidgesAbyssal PlainsContinental ShelfMarine TrenchesQuestion 15 of 2016. The primary factor affecting the classification of oceanic landforms is:TemperatureDepth and shapeSalinityCurrentsQuestion 16 of 2017. Which of these materials is found in marine deposits?Glacial iceSediments from riversDesert sandFreshwater algaeQuestion 17 of 2018. The oldest ocean floor deposits date back to:500 million years1 billion years200 million years3.2 billion yearsQuestion 18 of 2019. The disposal of radioactive waste in oceans is dangerous because:It increases fish populationIt causes water pollution and harms marine lifeIt helps corals growIt makes ocean water clearerQuestion 19 of 2020. The highest biodiversity in the ocean is found in:Deep trenchesAbyssal plainsContinental shelf regionsMid-oceanic ridgesQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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