MCQ Chapter 4 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board STRUCTURE OF OCEAN FLOOR 1. The land near the coast and submerged under the sea is called:Abyssal PlainMarine TrenchContinental ShelfMid-Ocean RidgeQuestion 1 of 202. The deepest trench in the world is:Java TrenchMariana TrenchPuerto Rico TrenchTonga TrenchQuestion 2 of 203. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the ocean floor?Continental ShelfOceanic RidgeMountain PassAbyssal PlainQuestion 3 of 204. The study of the ocean floor is important because:It helps in deep-sea researchIt helps in understanding marine biodiversityIt provides information on mineral depositsAll of the aboveQuestion 4 of 205. The continental shelf is important for humans because:It has abundant marine lifeIt contains natural gas and mineral depositsIt is a good location for fishingAll of the aboveQuestion 5 of 206. The average depth of the ocean is approximately:2000 meters3700 meters5000 meters11034 metersQuestion 6 of 207. Which oceanic landform is considered the boundary of continents?Abyssal PlainContinental SlopeMarine TrenchMid-Ocean RidgeQuestion 7 of 208. The landforms on the ocean floor are classified based on:Their depth and shapeTheir colorTheir temperatureTheir distance from landQuestion 8 of 209. Marine trenches are characterized by:Gentle slopesFlat surfacesDeep and narrow depressionsHigh peaksQuestion 9 of 2010. An example of a marine island formed from a submerged mountain is:Andaman and Nicobar IslandsMaldivesSri LankaGreenlandQuestion 10 of 2011. The ocean floor is considered geologically active because:It has high tidesIt has volcanoes and earthquakesIt has marine lifeIt is always movingQuestion 11 of 2012. Marine deposition includes:Lava and ash from volcanoesRemains of marine plants and animalsSediments from rivers and glaciersAll of the aboveQuestion 12 of 2013. The term "Marine Oozes" refers to:Lava from underwater volcanoesDeposits of fine particles mixed with remains of marine lifeOil and gas deposits in the oceanSand dunes underwaterQuestion 13 of 2014. The ocean floor is younger than the Earth's surface because:Water prevents agingOld sediments are removed due to tectonic activityMarine life refreshes the seabedThere is no erosion underwaterQuestion 14 of 2015. The boundary between the continental shelf and the deep ocean basin is called:Mid-Ocean RidgeAbyssal PlainContinental SlopeTrenchQuestion 15 of 2016. What happens when waste materials are dumped into the ocean?They decompose quicklyThey cause pollution and harm marine lifeThey disappear in deep waterThey turn into mineralsQuestion 16 of 2017. Which of the following is a feature of abyssal plains?They are the deepest parts of the oceanThey are flat and extensiveThey are volcanic regionsThey have steep slopesQuestion 17 of 2018. What is the significance of studying marine deposits?To understand ocean biodiversityTo explore mineral resourcesTo study past climate conditionsAll of the aboveQuestion 18 of 2019. The term "Submarine Plateau" refers to:A deep ocean trenchA flat-topped elevation on the ocean floorA mountain on landA high sea waveQuestion 19 of 2020. The Mid-Oceanic Ridge is formed due to:Deposition of sedimentsMovement of tectonic platesUnderwater landslidesCoral reef formationQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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