MCQ Chapter 3 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board HUMIDITY AND CLOUDS 1. What type of precipitation occurs when raindrops freeze into ice before reaching the ground?DrizzleHailSleetDewQuestion 1 of 202. What is the dew point?The temperature at which air becomes dryThe temperature at which condensation beginsThe temperature at which clouds disappearThe temperature at which rain startsQuestion 2 of 203. Which type of cloud is characterized by a wave-like structure?CumulusAltocumulusCirrusStratusQuestion 3 of 204. What type of clouds are commonly associated with pleasant weather?CumulusNimbostratusCumulonimbusCirrostratusQuestion 4 of 205. How does relative humidity change during the day?It increases in the afternoonIt decreases in the morningIt is highest at night and in the morningIt remains constantQuestion 5 of 206. Why do cumulonimbus clouds produce thunderstorms?Due to their low altitudeBecause they contain only water dropletsDue to strong vertical air currents and charge separationBecause they are thin and wispyQuestion 6 of 207. What does cloudburst refer to?A sudden formation of cloudsA heavy downpour of rain in a short periodA cloud explodingA foggy conditionQuestion 7 of 208. What happens when temperature drops below the dew point?Evaporation occursCondensation beginsHumidity decreasesClouds disappearQuestion 8 of 209. What are high-altitude clouds mainly composed of?Water dropletsIce crystalsDust particlesSmokeQuestion 9 of 2010. What is the main reason for fog formation near coastal areas?High wind speedsInteraction between warm air and cold waterHigh air pressureLack of evaporationQuestion 10 of 2011. Which factor directly influences the moisture-holding capacity of air?Wind speedTemperatureAir pressureAltitudeQuestion 11 of 2012. What is the primary cause of dew formation?Increase in air pressureRapid cooling of the surface at nightHigh wind speedHigh evaporation rateQuestion 12 of 2013. What happens to the relative humidity when the temperature increases during the day?It increasesIt decreasesIt remains the sameIt becomes 100%Question 13 of 2014. Which cloud type is most commonly seen just before a thunderstorm?CirrostratusCumulonimbusAltostratusNimbostratusQuestion 14 of 2015. What happens to air pressure when humidity increases?It increasesIt decreasesIt remains constantIt fluctuates randomlyQuestion 15 of 2016. How does the presence of high humidity affect human comfort?Increases cooling through perspirationDecreases cooling through perspirationHas no effectLowers body temperatureQuestion 16 of 2017. What type of precipitation occurs when strong updrafts in clouds cause repeated freezing and melting?SnowDrizzleHailSleetQuestion 17 of 2018. Which type of cloud has a halo effect around it?CirrostratusStratusCumulonimbusNimbostratusQuestion 18 of 2019. What is the main reason for cloud formation?Air warmingCooling and condensation of water vapourRapid evaporationWind movementQuestion 19 of 2020. What happens to the size of raindrops as they fall from a cumulonimbus cloud?They shrinkThey grow largerThey evaporateThey freeze into iceQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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