MCQ Chapter 3 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board HUMIDITY AND CLOUDS 1. What is the process of converting water into steam or water vapour called?CondensationEvaporationSublimationPrecipitationQuestion 1 of 202. In which type of air does the rate of evaporation increase?Cold and moist airHot and dry airCold and dry airHot and moist airQuestion 2 of 203. What is the proportion of water vapour in the air called?Absolute HumidityRelative HumidityDew PointSaturationQuestion 3 of 204. What happens when air cools down?It can hold more moistureIts moisture-holding capacity reducesIt becomes warmerIt evaporatesQuestion 4 of 205. What is the condition called when air holds the maximum amount of moisture possible?Absolute HumidityDew PointSaturationEvaporationQuestion 5 of 206. What is the unit of measurement for humidity in the air?Grams per cubic meterKilograms per literLiters per secondMillimeters per hourQuestion 6 of 207. Which type of clouds is wispy and found at high altitudes?CumulonimbusCirrusStratusNimbostratusQuestion 7 of 208. What is the formula for calculating relative humidity?Absolute Humidity + Vapour Holding Capacity × 100Absolute Humidity / Vapour Holding Capacity × 100Vapour Holding Capacity / Absolute Humidity × 100Absolute Humidity × Vapour Holding Capacity / 100Question 8 of 209. What happens when relative humidity reaches 100%?Evaporation stopsCondensation beginsAir becomes dryThe temperature risesQuestion 9 of 2010. Which type of clouds is responsible for thunderstorms and heavy rain?CirrusStratusCumulonimbusAltostratusQuestion 10 of 2011. Which factor does NOT affect the rate of evaporation?TemperatureWind speedAir pressureColour of waterQuestion 11 of 2012. What happens when warm air rises and cools down?It expands and holds more moistureIt contracts and holds less moistureIt sinks back downIt remains at the same altitudeQuestion 12 of 2013. Which cloud type is known for continuous rainfall?CirrocumulusAltostratusNimbostratusStratocumulusQuestion 13 of 2014. What happens when water vapour in the air condenses on dust particles?Cloud formationEvaporationSublimationDryingQuestion 14 of 2015. What is fog composed of?Smoke and water dropletsWater vapour onlyWater droplets onlyDust and smoke onlyQuestion 15 of 2016. What is smog a combination of?Snow and fogSmoke and fogDust and cloudsWater vapour and ozoneQuestion 16 of 2017. Which type of cloud looks like a bed sheet with wrinkles?CumulonimbusCirrostratusAltocumulusNimbostratusQuestion 17 of 2018. Which of the following factors increases absolute humidity?Increase in altitudeDecrease in temperatureIncrease in temperatureDecrease in air pressureQuestion 18 of 2019. In which type of environment is absolute humidity the highest?Coastal areasDesert regionsMountainous regionsPolar regionsQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the approximate altitude range of medium clouds?7000-14000m2000-7000mBelow 2000mAbove 15000mQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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