MCQ Chapter 2 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board INTERIOR OF THE EARTH 1. How was the Earth initially formed?From a giant asteroidFrom a gaseous hot balloonFrom an underwater explosionFrom a frozen celestial bodyQuestion 1 of 202. Why is direct observation of the Earth's interior not possible?Due to extreme pressure and temperatureBecause of high water contentDue to lack of oxygenBecause of constant earthquakesQuestion 2 of 203. How do geologists estimate the temperature and composition of the Earth's interior?By drilling boreholes deep insideBy studying seismic waves and volcanic eruptionsBy using satellitesBy measuring ocean currentsQuestion 3 of 204. What happens to pressure as we move toward the Earth’s center?IncreasesDecreasesRemains the sameBecomes zeroQuestion 4 of 205. What is the estimated density of the Earth's mantle?2.5 gm/cm³3.3 gm/cm³4.5 gm/cm³6.0 gm/cm³Question 5 of 206. Why do secondary waves (S-waves) disappear when they reach the outer core?The outer core is too denseThe outer core is in a liquid stateThe outer core is too coldThe outer core contains gasesQuestion 6 of 207. What type of rock is formed when lava cools and solidifies?SedimentaryIgneousMetamorphicSandstoneQuestion 7 of 208. Which factor primarily determines the layers of the Earth?Age of the rocksComposition, temperature, and densityThe color of the soilThe amount of water in an areaQuestion 8 of 209. What is the layer of the Earth where tectonic plates float?Inner coreAsthenosphereLithosphereOceanic crustQuestion 9 of 2010. The thickest layer of the Earth is?CrustMantleOuter CoreInner CoreQuestion 10 of 2011. Which type of rocks are primarily found in the oceanic crust?GraniteBasalt and GabbroLimestoneSandstoneQuestion 11 of 2012. The density of the continental crust is approximately?2.65 – 2.90 gm/cm³3.5 – 4.0 gm/cm³5.0 – 6.0 gm/cm³1.2 – 1.5 gm/cm³Question 12 of 2013. The primary cause of convection currents in the mantle is?GravityTemperature differencesSolar radiationEarth's rotationQuestion 13 of 2014. The difference in temperature between the outer and inner core creates what?Ocean currentsVertical currents in the liquid outer coreConvection currents in the crustA cooling effect in the mantleQuestion 14 of 2015. What happens when we dig deep into a mine?Temperature decreasesTemperature increasesPressure decreasesDensity decreasesQuestion 15 of 2016. What is the function of the Earth’s magnetosphere?Helps in the movement of tectonic platesShields Earth from harmful solar radiationControls ocean currentsRegulates earthquakesQuestion 16 of 2017. What causes the movement of tectonic plates?Ocean tidesConvection currents in the mantleEarth's gravitational pullWind patternsQuestion 17 of 2018. Which scientist first identified the boundary between the crust and mantle?GutenbergMohorovičićConradLehmannQuestion 18 of 2019. What happens to gravitational force as we move toward the Earth’s center?IncreasesRemains constantFirst increases, then decreasesCompletely disappearsQuestion 19 of 2020. The boundary between the outer core and inner core is called?Moho DiscontinuityGutenberg DiscontinuityLehmann DiscontinuityConrad DiscontinuityQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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