MCQ Chapter 2 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board INTERIOR OF THE EARTH 1. What is the approximate thickness of the Earth's core?1000 km2000 km3471 km5000 kmQuestion 1 of 202. What is the layer that lies between the crust and the core?Outer coreInner coreMantleLithosphereQuestion 2 of 203. What is the name of the layer that contains the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust?AsthenosphereLithosphereCoreMagma ChamberQuestion 3 of 204. Which element is found in both the mantle and the crust?NickelIronMagnesiumCarbonQuestion 4 of 205. The region where seismic waves are not detected after an earthquake is called the?FocusShadow zoneEpicenterAsthenosphereQuestion 5 of 206. What is the study of earthquakes called?GeologySeismologyVolcanologyMeteorologyQuestion 6 of 207. The temperature at the center of the Earth is comparable to which celestial body?MarsMoonSunJupiterQuestion 7 of 208. The upper mantle is responsible for which geological activities?Cloud formationOcean currentsEarthquakes and volcanic eruptionsWind movementsQuestion 8 of 209. What causes the Earth's magnetic field?The movement of ocean currentsThe rotation of the EarthThe movement of liquid iron in the outer coreThe gravitational pull of the MoonQuestion 9 of 2010. The inner core is mainly composed of?Iron and MagnesiumIron and NickelNickel and AluminumSilicon and IronQuestion 10 of 2011. Which layer of the Earth has the highest density?CrustMantleOuter coreInner coreQuestion 11 of 2012. Which waves travel the fastest through the Earth's interior?Primary wavesSecondary wavesSurface wavesOceanic wavesQuestion 12 of 2013. What happens to the velocity of primary waves as they pass through the liquid outer core?IncreasesDecreasesRemains the sameStops completelyQuestion 13 of 2014. What happens to seismic waves at the Gutenberg Discontinuity?They increase in speedThey stop completelySecondary waves disappear, and primary waves slow downBoth primary and secondary waves pass through unaffectedQuestion 14 of 2015. The movement of molten rock in the mantle is called?Convection currentsRadiationConductionSubductionQuestion 15 of 2016. What is the approximate density of the Earth's outer core?4.5 gm/cm³5.7 gm/cm³9.8 gm/cm³13.3 gm/cm³Question 16 of 2017. What is the role of the Earth’s magnetosphere?To reflect sunlightTo protect Earth from solar windsTo generate heat in the coreTo balance the Earth's rotationQuestion 17 of 2018. Which seismic waves travel only through solids?Primary wavesSecondary wavesSurface wavesTertiary wavesQuestion 18 of 2019. What is the name of the boundary between the inner and outer core?Moho DiscontinuityGutenberg DiscontinuityLehmann DiscontinuityConrad DiscontinuityQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the estimated pressure at the center of the Earth?1000 atm1 million atm3.5 million atm5 million atmQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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