MCQ Chapter 1 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board Local Time and Standard Time 1. How many standard time zones does Russia have? 5 7 9 11Question 1 of 202. What is the longitude of the International Date Line? 0° 82°30' E 90°E 180°Question 2 of 203. Which event marks the beginning of a new day at the International Date Line? Noon Sunrise Midnight SunsetQuestion 3 of 204. If it is 10 PM on 21st June at the Prime Meridian, what is the date on the International Date Line? 21st June 22nd June 20th June 23rd JuneQuestion 4 of 205. What happens if two consecutive longitudes are 15° apart? The time difference is 1 hour The time difference is 15 minutes The time difference is 4 minutes The time difference is 30 minutesQuestion 5 of 206. Which of the following has a single standard time despite its large size? USA Canada Russia ChinaQuestion 6 of 207. The term "Ante Meridiem" (AM) refers to: After noon Before noon Midnight SunsetQuestion 7 of 208. What does PM stand for in time notation? Post Meridian Pre Meridian Post Meridiem Past MidnightQuestion 8 of 209. If it is 2 PM IST, what is the local time at 82°30' W longitude? 12 AM 2 AM 4 AM 6 AMQuestion 9 of 2010. Why do countries near the poles experience long days and nights? Due to Earth’s revolution Due to the tilt of the Earth’s axis Due to varying atmospheric pressure Due to the Earth's speedQuestion 10 of 2011. The sun is at its highest point in the sky on which day? Winter Solstice Summer Solstice Spring Equinox Autumn EquinoxQuestion 11 of 2012. Jantar Mantar was built by which ruler? Akbar Maharaja Sawai Jaisingh II Chandragupta Maurya ShivajiQuestion 12 of 2013. The difference in time between two places depends on: Their latitudes Their longitudes Their altitude Their populationQuestion 13 of 2014. How many time zones does India follow? 1 2 3 4Question 14 of 2015. What is the name of the timekeeping institute in India that provides accurate time services? Indian Meteorological Department Indian Space Research Organisation National Physical Laboratory Geological Survey of IndiaQuestion 15 of 2016. Which instrument at Jantar Mantar is used to determine time based on the sun's shadow? Pendulum Clock Atomic Clock Sundial Water ClockQuestion 16 of 2017. How many degrees does the Earth rotate in four hours? 30° 45° 60° 90°Question 17 of 2018. Which longitude is used as the reference for determining standard time zones worldwide? 45°E 60°W 0° (Prime Meridian) 180°EQuestion 18 of 2019. Why does the local time vary from place to place? Because of varying temperatures Due to differences in latitude Due to differences in longitude Due to elevation differencesQuestion 19 of 2020. If it is midnight at 180° longitude, what is the time at the Prime Meridian (0° longitude)? 6 AM 12 Noon 6 PM 12 MidnightQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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