MCQ Chapter 1 Geography Class 8 Maharashtra Board Local Time and Standard Time 1. The Earth takes how many hours to complete one full rotation?12 hours18 hours24 hours36 hoursQuestion 1 of 202. In which direction does the Earth rotate?East to WestWest to EastNorth to SouthSouth to NorthQuestion 2 of 203. The Earth covers how many degrees of longitude in one hour?10°12°15°20°Question 3 of 204. How many longitudes can be drawn on a world map keeping an interval of 1° each?90180270360Question 4 of 205. What is the name of the longitude at which the date changes?Prime MeridianTropic of CapricornInternational Date LineStandard MeridianQuestion 5 of 206. What was used in ancient times to measure time?Digital ClockGhatikapaatraMechanical WatchSmartwatchQuestion 6 of 207. The standard time of India is based on which longitude?75° E90° E82° 30' E100° EQuestion 7 of 208. When the sun is directly overhead at a place, it is called:SunsetSunriseNoonMidnightQuestion 8 of 209. What is the time difference between two consecutive longitudes?1 minute2 minutes4 minutes10 minutesQuestion 9 of 2010. How many longitudes face the sun daily?90120180360Question 10 of 2011. What is the primary reason for the changing duration of day and night?The Earth's revolution around the sunThe Earth's rotation on its axisThe tilt of the Earth's axisThe presence of the moonQuestion 11 of 2012. How long does the Earth take to rotate 1° of longitude?1 minute2 minutes4 minutes6 minutesQuestion 12 of 2013. Which term describes the time at a place determined by the position of the sun in the sky?Universal TimeStandard TimeLocal TimeDaylight Saving TimeQuestion 13 of 2014. Why do places on the same longitude have the same local time?Because they have the same latitudeBecause the Earth is roundBecause the sun is overhead at the same timeBecause they follow the same time zoneQuestion 14 of 2015. Which city in India is closest to the standard meridian (82°30' E)?DelhiMumbaiMirzapurKolkataQuestion 15 of 2016. If it is 12 noon at Greenwich, what is the local time at 60°E?2:00 PM4:00 PM6:00 PM8:00 PMQuestion 16 of 2017. If the local time at 75°E is 3 PM, what is the time at 90°E?3:30 PM4:00 PM4:30 PM5:00 PMQuestion 17 of 2018. What happens when a place crosses the International Date Line from east to west?The date moves forward by one dayThe date moves backward by one dayThe time increases by 12 hoursThe time decreases by 12 hoursQuestion 18 of 2019. How many time zones is the world divided into?12182430Question 19 of 2020. Which longitude is considered the Prime Meridian?0°45°E90°E180°Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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