MCQ Chapter 4.5 Festivals of North East India Class 8 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. What is the primary theme of festivals in the North-East?AgricultureTechnologyModern lifestyleUrban cultureQuestion 1 of 202. Which festival is marked by rhythmic dances in two parallel lines?Chapchar KutWangalaNingol ChakoubaLosarQuestion 2 of 203. What is the primary material used for the "pepa" instrument in Assam?BambooBuffalo hornCoconut shellMetalQuestion 3 of 204. Which community celebrates the Moastu festival?AssameseGarosNagasMizosQuestion 4 of 205. What is the highlight of Chapchar Kut in Mizoram?Folk dances and traditional songsSowing seedsOffering prayers to ancestorsCleaning homesQuestion 5 of 206. The term “sumptuous” used in the text refers toGenerous and luxuriousSimple and plainSmall and modestIncomplete and rawQuestion 6 of 207. Which festival is associated with climbing hilltops?Ningol ChakoubaCheiraobaWangalaLosarQuestion 7 of 208. The music in Nagaland festivals primarily serves the purpose ofRitual worshipPassing down oral historyEntertaining touristsTeaching tribal languagesQuestion 8 of 209. Which river is significant in Assam's celebrations?GangesBrahmaputraYamunaGodavariQuestion 9 of 2010. What is the key focus during Losar in Arunachal Pradesh?Planting treesCleaning homesDancing in costumesPraying at templesQuestion 10 of 2011. What do the colorful costumes of Nagaland dancers often include?Animal motifsTribal symbolsFeathers and boar tusksBeaded necklacesQuestion 11 of 2012. Which festival is called the "new year festival" of Manipur?Ningol ChakoubaCheiraobaChapchar KutWangalaQuestion 12 of 2013. What traditional belief is associated with climbing hilltops during Cheiraoba?To rise to a higher plane in lifeTo communicate with the godsTo prepare for the harvestTo honor ancestorsQuestion 13 of 2014. Which festival features the participation of both men and women in Assam?LosarBihuNingol ChakoubaChapchar KutQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the main reason for celebrating the Wangala festival?To celebrate marriageTo mark the end of hard work in the fieldsTo prepare for sowing cropsTo welcome guestsQuestion 15 of 2016. In which festival do participants wear traditional headgear?BihuMoastuNingol ChakoubaCheiraobaQuestion 16 of 2017. The dances during Tripura festivals often representHunting, fishing, and food-gatheringPrayer ritualsSeasonal changesFamily bondingQuestion 17 of 2018. What is the primary reason for celebrating most festivals in the North-East?Religious significanceOffering thanks for good harvestsReuniting familiesPromoting tourismQuestion 18 of 2019. What distinguishes the Bihu dance in Assam?Elaborate costumesBrisk steps and hand movementsPrayers during the danceSolo performancesQuestion 19 of 2020. How often do festivals occur in the North-East states?Every few yearsAlmost every monthOnce a yearDuring summerQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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