MCQ Chapter 4.5 Festivals of North East India Class 8 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. Every festival of North-East India is incomplete withoutFood and sweetsDance and musicLights and crackersDecorationsQuestion 1 of 202. People of Arunachal Pradesh are true lovers ofAgricultureNature and its beautyUrban lifeAdventure sportsQuestion 2 of 203. The festival celebrated three times a year to mark stages of agriculture in Assam isChapchar KutLosarBihuMoastuQuestion 3 of 204. In Tripura, the festivities representHunting, fishing, and food-gatheringPreparing special dishesReaching greater heightsModern activitiesQuestion 4 of 205. An additional advantage of festive celebrations in North-East India isListening to festive musicBringing out the natural talent of peopleGetting a holiday from workVisiting relativesQuestion 5 of 206. Which state celebrates the Losar festival?AssamArunachal PradeshNagalandTripuraQuestion 6 of 207. What is the Wangala festival also known as?Spring FestivalNew Year FestivalHundred-Drum FestivalHarvest FestivalQuestion 7 of 208. What is Ningol Chakouba in Manipur?A harvest festivalA dance festivalA festival to honor married daughtersA new year celebrationQuestion 8 of 209. Which instrument is used in Bihu dance?TablaCymbalsGuitarVeenaQuestion 9 of 2010. What do the villagers in Manipur do during Cheiraoba?Plant treesClimb hilltopsDecorate housesSing traditional songsQuestion 10 of 2011. The Spring Festival in Mizoram is known asWangalaMoastuChapchar KutLosarQuestion 11 of 2012. Which state celebrates Moastu festival?AssamNagalandMizoramTripuraQuestion 12 of 2013. What do people of North-East India often thank during festivals?NatureGovernmentEldersTeachersQuestion 13 of 2014. Bihu songs are passed down throughBooksGenerationsOnline platformsSchoolsQuestion 14 of 2015. In the Wangala festival, who beats the drums?WomenMenChildrenEldersQuestion 15 of 2016. What is the main theme of festivals in Tripura?Religious ceremoniesTribal activitiesHunting and fishingFolk musicQuestion 16 of 2017. The headgear of Nagaland festival dancers is decorated withFeathers and tusksGems and stonesFlowersFabric designsQuestion 17 of 2018. What natural feature influences Arunachal Pradesh festivals?DesertHimalayasCoastlinePlateausQuestion 18 of 2019. When is the Cheiraoba festival celebrated?JanuaryAprilAugustDecemberQuestion 19 of 2020. The Losar festival symbolizesEnd of harvestingWelcoming the new yearHonoring ancestorsCelebrating marriageQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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