MCQ Chapter 4.4 The Unsinkable Ship Class 8 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. The Titanic began its maiden voyage from which port?New YorkSouthamptonLiverpoolBostonQuestion 1 of 202. What does the word "Titanic" mean?UnsinkableHugeBraveSafeQuestion 2 of 203. How many passengers were aboard the Titanic on its maiden voyage?Over 1000Over 1500Over 2000Over 3000Question 3 of 204. Why was the Titanic called the "unsinkable ship"?It had advanced technologyIt had few lifeboatsPeople believed it could not sinkIt was made of strong materialQuestion 4 of 205. What happened on the night of 14 April?The ship hit another vesselThe ship hit an icebergA fire broke outThe ship faced a stormQuestion 5 of 206. At what time did the Titanic strike the iceberg?10:40 p.m.11:00 p.m.11:40 p.m.12:15 a.m.Question 6 of 207. What did Captain Smith do after realizing the Titanic was sinking?Ordered passengers to stay calmSent an SOS messageTurned the ship aroundOrdered an evacuationQuestion 7 of 208. What ship responded to Titanic's distress calls?CaliforniaBritanniaCarpathiaLusitaniaQuestion 8 of 209. Why didn't the California receive Titanic's SOS message?Its radio was turned offIt was too far awayIts radio was brokenIt ignored the messageQuestion 9 of 2010. How long did it take the Carpathia to reach Titanic?1 hour2 hoursOver 3 hours4 hoursQuestion 10 of 2011. How many people died in the Titanic disaster?About 1000About 1200About 1500About 2000Question 11 of 2012. How many people were saved by the Carpathia?500600700800Question 12 of 2013. What was the main cause of Titanic's sinking?Lack of lifeboatsHitting an icebergStormy weatherFaulty designQuestion 13 of 2014. What was a major change in ship safety regulations after the Titanic disaster?More lifeboats for all passengersImproved shipbuilding materialFaster ship speedsLarger shipsQuestion 14 of 2015. In which year did scientists find the wreck of the Titanic?1913198519982001Question 15 of 2016. At what depth was the Titanic wreck found?3000 meters3500 meters4000 meters4500 metersQuestion 16 of 2017. What did the Carpathia crew find in the water?Survivors onlyChairs and woodParts of the TitanicBoth B and CQuestion 17 of 2018. Who directed the famous Titanic movie in 1998?James CameronSteven SpielbergChristopher NolanGeorge LucasQuestion 18 of 2019. What was the Titanic compared to in terms of size?A skyscraperA small townA hotelA cruise linerQuestion 19 of 2020. What was one reason passengers felt safe aboard the Titanic?The ship had lifeboats for allThe ship was called unsinkableThe ship was made of ironThe sea was calmQuestion 20 of 20 Loading... says
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