MCQ Chapter 4.1 The Vet Class 8 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. What does the word "vet" stand for?Vehicle ExpertVeterinary doctorVirus expertVocal expertQuestion 1 of 202. Why is it difficult to be a successful vet?Vets only treat small animalsVets have to handle multiple speciesVets only treat animals in zoosVets focus on plant diseasesQuestion 2 of 203. What does the word "omniscient" mean in the poem?One who knows everythingOne who works in a zooA person who treats birdsA person who studies diseasesQuestion 3 of 204. What advice does the poet give at the end?Become a vetTreat only humansAvoid treating animalsDon’t attend to zoo animalsQuestion 4 of 205. Which of the following illnesses does the poem mention?The zebra is too energeticThe lion caught a coldThe panther is running fastThe giraffe has long legsQuestion 5 of 206. Why is the Arctic fox mentioned in the poem?It is suffering from heatIt is running fastIt has a long tailIt sings faintlyQuestion 6 of 207. What is the giraffe’s issue in the poem?It has short legsIt cannot eatIts neck feels stiffIt is too tallQuestion 7 of 208. What illness is faced by the centipede in the poem?Foot troubleWeak eyesightLack of foodA coldQuestion 8 of 209. According to the poem, why do animals need a vet?Animals have similar organs as humansAnimals have different types of insidesAnimals can cure themselvesAnimals are always sickQuestion 9 of 2010. Which animal is said to "groan" in the poem?HorseParrotLionDuckQuestion 10 of 2011. What problem does the bear face in the poem?It is too full of bunsIt cannot hibernateIt is climbing treesIt refuses to eatQuestion 11 of 2012. What issue does the cobra face in the poem?It refuses to moveIt eats her sonsIt hisses loudlyIt is too largeQuestion 12 of 2013. What does the tortoise struggle with in the poem?It cannot lay eggsIt hasn’t moved for yearsIt has a broken shellIt eats too muchQuestion 13 of 2014. Why do ducks and chickens need a vet in the poem?They cannot flyThey fail to lay eggsThey are running awayThey are eating paperQuestion 14 of 2015. What does "competent" mean in the context of the vet?Having good knowledge and abilityBeing lazy and slowHaving little experienceIgnoring animalsQuestion 15 of 2016. Which animal is said to choke on paper bags in the poem?KangarooCamelElephantCrocodileQuestion 16 of 2017. What does the poet think about the vet’s pay?It is too highIt is very lowIt is fairIt is unnecessaryQuestion 17 of 2018. Which animal in the poem pinched its tail?CamelMonkeyZebraLionQuestion 18 of 2019. Why is the vet called omniscient?He knows everything about animalsHe teaches animals to talkHe works with humans onlyHe ignores wild animalsQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the meaning of "stirred" as mentioned in the poem?To moveTo sleepTo eatTo groanQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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