MCQ Chapter 3.2 The Song of Songs Class 8 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. Who was Tansen’s guru?AkbarSant HaridasRaag DarbariTanpuraQuestion 1 of 202. Why did Emperor Akbar want to meet Tansen’s guru?To punish himTo appreciate his musicTo learn music himselfTo invite him to the courtQuestion 2 of 203. What condition did Tansen set for Akbar to meet Sant Haridas?He must bring giftsHe must go as a humble music loverHe must wear royal attireHe must sing firstQuestion 3 of 204. What was Akbar’s reaction to Sant Haridas refusing to sing?He became angryHe insisted firmlyHe respected his decisionHe left immediatelyQuestion 4 of 205. How did Tansen persuade Sant Haridas to sing?By offering a giftBy singing incorrectlyBy requesting multiple timesBy threatening himQuestion 5 of 206. What did Sant Haridas’ music resemble?A thunderstormThe first glimmer of dawnThe roar of a lionA flowing riverQuestion 6 of 207. Why did Tansen’s music differ from his Guru’s?It was for a royal audienceIt was more practicedIt lacked devotionIt was played in courtQuestion 7 of 208. What was Akbar’s first reaction after listening to Sant Haridas?DisappointmentAngerAmazementIndifferenceQuestion 8 of 209. What did Akbar realize after hearing Sant Haridas?Music was limited to royaltyMusic connected deeply to divinityTansen’s skills were unmatchedSinging required mastery of notesQuestion 9 of 2010. Why did Tansen deliberately make a mistake while singing?To test his Guru’s patienceTo make Sant Haridas singTo show his flawsTo entertain AkbarQuestion 10 of 2011. What did Tansen say about his Guru’s music?It was technicalIt sprang from the soulIt lacked sophisticationIt was inferior to his ownQuestion 11 of 2012. What was the Tanpura used for?CookingDecorationMusical accompanimentTeachingQuestion 12 of 2013. What is "Raag Darbari"?A type of danceA musical pieceA royal meetingA type of drumQuestion 13 of 2014. What was Akbar’s unique quality as an emperor?His interest in architectureHis love for art and musicHis strict ruling styleHis military strategiesQuestion 14 of 2015. What did Tansen’s Guru compare his music to?RaindropsThe divineA bird's songThunderQuestion 15 of 2016. What was Emperor Akbar’s reaction to Tansen’s regular performances?He found them insufficientHe admired them endlesslyHe requested other musiciansHe wanted him to improveQuestion 16 of 2017. What did Akbar agree to do to meet Sant Haridas?Dress as a servantForget his royal titlePay a large sum of moneyWrite a formal letterQuestion 17 of 2018. What was the purpose of Tansen’s deliberate mistakes?To make Akbar happyTo provoke his Guru to singTo show his superiorityTo challenge his GuruQuestion 18 of 2019. How did Sant Haridas live his life?As a hermitAs a royal musicianAs a merchantAs a warriorQuestion 19 of 2020. Why did Akbar appreciate Tansen’s music?It was lively and cheerfulIt connected with his soulIt followed strict rulesIt entertained the courtQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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