MCQ Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Class 8 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. What did Grace use to hold onto while rowing the boat?A life jacketA poleAn oarA ropeQuestion 1 of 202. Why could the Darlings not hear the shipwreck at first?They were asleepThe wind and waves were too loudThe lighthouse was too far awayThey were inside the lighthouseQuestion 2 of 203. What time did Grace first spot the survivors on the rocks?5:00 AM6:00 AM7:00 AM8:00 AMQuestion 3 of 204. What did Grace’s father initially think about the rescue attempt?It was necessaryIt was hopelessIt was an adventureIt was easyQuestion 4 of 205. How did Mrs.Darling react to the rescue plan?She encouraged themShe prayed for themShe scolded GraceShe joined the rescueQuestion 5 of 206. What made Grace insist on helping her father?She wanted to prove her strengthShe believed they had to save the survivorsShe wanted to explore the seaShe disliked staying indoorsQuestion 6 of 207. What was the condition of the survivors on the rocks?Completely safeHalf under the sea and clinging to the rocksResting peacefullyCalling out for help with visible signalsQuestion 7 of 208. What does "rescue" mean in the context of the story?To save someone from a dangerous situationTo search for someone lost at seaTo bring supplies to the needyTo warn someone of dangerQuestion 8 of 209. What did Grace and her father row through to reach the survivors?A calm seaHigh waves and a stormShallow waterA quiet bayQuestion 9 of 2010. How many people were initially rescued by Grace and her father?3579Question 10 of 2011. What did the newspapers do after hearing Grace’s story?Ignored itPublished her story and praised her courageCriticized the rescue attemptSupported the survivors financiallyQuestion 11 of 2012. Why was money raised after Grace’s rescue story became famous?To help the survivorsTo support lighthouse keepersTo repair the shipwreckTo build more lighthousesQuestion 12 of 2013. How did Grace’s father contribute during the rescue?He jumped onto the rocks to save the survivorsHe guided the boat through the stormHe tied the boat to the rocksHe carried the survivors on his backQuestion 13 of 2014. What was Grace’s physical appearance described as?Very tall like her fatherA small and petite womanAthletic and muscularShort but frailQuestion 14 of 2015. How many times did the boat go to rescue survivors?OnceTwiceThree timesFour timesQuestion 15 of 2016. What quality of Grace is highlighted in the story?IntelligenceCourage and unselfishnessLeadership skillsPhysical strengthQuestion 16 of 2017. What did Grace’s father teach his children?Sailing and cookingHonesty, bravery, and unselfishnessFarming and navigationCarpentry and fishingQuestion 17 of 2018. What was Grace’s primary concern during storms?The safety of sailors at seaProtecting the lighthouseAvoiding damage to the boatStaying warm insideQuestion 18 of 2019. What did Grace do after rescuing the survivors?Rested for several daysHelped her mother take care of the survivorsWent to tell the authoritiesWrote a journal about the eventQuestion 19 of 2020. How is Grace Darling remembered today?As a famous authorFor her unselfish courage and braveryAs a skilled sailorFor building a lighthouseQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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