MCQ Chapter 2.5 A Heroine of the Sea Class 8 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. Grace Darling was the daughter of a:FarmerLighthouse keeperSailorMerchantQuestion 1 of 202. What was the name of the ship wrecked near the Longstone lighthouse?TitanicForfarshireQueen MaryBritannicQuestion 2 of 203. Where did the Darling family live?In a small townNear a busy portOn a lonely islandIn a villageQuestion 3 of 204. At what age did Grace move to the Longstone lighthouse?5 years old8 years old10 years old15 years oldQuestion 4 of 205. What was Grace’s father’s name?William DarlingEdward DarlingThomas DarlingRobert DarlingQuestion 5 of 206. What did Grace see from her window on the morning of September 7th, 1838?A passing shipA rainbowPeople clinging to rocksA calm seaQuestion 6 of 207. Why did Mrs.Darling discourage the rescue attempt?She thought Grace was too youngShe believed it was too dangerousShe wanted to wait for helpShe was busy with other tasksQuestion 7 of 208. How many survivors were clinging to the rocks after the shipwreck?FiveSevenNineElevenQuestion 8 of 209. How did Grace and her father reach the shipwrecked people?By swimmingBy rowing a boatBy signaling other shipsBy walking on rocksQuestion 9 of 2010. What did the rescued sailors do during the return journey to the lighthouse?Rowed the boat with William DarlingTook care of GraceDirected the wayStayed silentQuestion 10 of 2011. What did Grace and her mother do after the rescue?Took care of the survivorsPrayed for more survivorsSearched for more wrecksAlerted the authoritiesQuestion 11 of 2012. How old was Grace Darling when she passed away?25 years26 years27 years28 yearsQuestion 12 of 2013. What was the lighthouse’s role in the lives of sailors?Provided food and shelterGuided them safely away from rocksHelped them navigate stormsSignaled for helpQuestion 13 of 2014. Who taught Grace to row a boat?Her fatherHer brotherA neighborHer motherQuestion 14 of 2015. What part of the ship is the “bow”?Back partFront partMiddle sectionBottom partQuestion 15 of 2016. What is the "crow’s nest" on a ship?Cabin for restLookout postStorage areaEngine roomQuestion 16 of 2017. What reward did Grace and her father receive for their bravery?MedalsSpecial recognitionMonetary supportAll of the aboveQuestion 17 of 2018. What does "shipwreck" mean?A ship's successful dockingDestruction of a ship at seaDiscovery of a new shipBuilding a shipQuestion 18 of 2019. What was the size of the waves during the storm?As small as ripplesAs high as hillsModerate and calmShort and fastQuestion 19 of 2020. What did the rescued passengers do after returning home?Wrote letters to the lighthouseTold stories of Grace's braveryStayed silent about the incidentAvoided sailing againQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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