MCQ Chapter 1.4 Miss Slippery Class 8 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8 1. What subject did the class teacher teach Sayali?HistoryMathematicsEnglishScienceQuestion 1 of 202. Why did the teacher ask Sayali to come forward?She dropped her notebook on purposeShe took out the wrong notebookShe answered incorrectlyShe was talkingQuestion 2 of 203. How did Sayali feel when the teacher shouted at her?ConfidentRelievedTremblingHappyQuestion 3 of 204. What was Sayali’s favorite subject?EnglishMathematicsHistoryScienceQuestion 4 of 205. What happened during the History class?Sayali answered all questionsSayali went blankSayali left the classSayali got praisedQuestion 5 of 206. What caused the punishment to fall on Sayali at school?Her own mistakesClassmate’s pranksParents’ quarrelsTeacher’s biasQuestion 6 of 207. What did Sayali feel whenever she heard raised voices?ConfidenceHappinessFearReliefQuestion 7 of 208. What happened to Sayali on the school stairs?She tripped and fellShe was pushedShe walked cautiouslyShe was praisedQuestion 8 of 209. What did Mama do after Sayali fell?Hugged herScolded herComforted herIgnored herQuestion 9 of 2010. Who comforted Sayali after she was scolded by Mama?Her teacherHer classmateHer younger brotherNo oneQuestion 10 of 2011. What name did the girls in the class call Sayali?ClumsySlipperyAwkwardSilentQuestion 11 of 2012. What did the girls compose about Sayali?A songA verseA storyA jokeQuestion 12 of 2013. How did Sayali feel when teased by her classmates?ConfidentPerpetual fearRelaxedJoyfulQuestion 13 of 2014. What did the teacher assign to Sayali towards the end of the story?Reading a bookResponsibility for register, chalk, and dusterWriting an essaySupervising the classQuestion 14 of 2015. What great change occurred in Sayali’s heart by the end?Gained confidenceBecame silentRemained fearfulStarted teasing othersQuestion 15 of 2016. How did the teacher react when Sayali successfully completed the task?Ignored herSmiled at herScolded her againPunished herQuestion 16 of 2017. How did Sayali feel after the teacher’s appreciation?SadAwkwardThrilledNervousQuestion 17 of 2018. What word describes Sayali’s feeling when walking cautiously?FearlessPerplexedConfidentAwkwardQuestion 18 of 2019. What did Sayali long for from her mother after falling?A hug and comfortMoneyPermission to playA giftQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the meaning of “quivered” as used in the text?Stood firmShook or trembledBecame strongGot relaxedQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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