1. Read the poem, discuss, and complete the following blanks with proper action words (Verbs).
- Wood – floats
- Marbles – sink
- Stars – shine
- Winds – blow
- Sun – shines
- Flowers – bloom
- Ocean – ebbs and flows
- Fish – swim
- Rain – falls
- Ice – melts
- Bees – buzz
2. Discuss in pairs and write the rhyming pairs of words from the poem.
- Why – by-and-by
- Sink – drink
- Sky – die
- Nose – flows
- Fly – sky
- Stone – bone
3. Why this, Why that, Why then, Why now, Why not, Why by-and-by?
In these two lines, the word ‘why’ is repeated, so it is a Figure of Speech called Repetition:
It is a Figure of Speech in which one or more words are repeated in the same sentence.
Example: Son, son it gives me a great joy.
- The phrase “Why this, Why that, Why then, Why now, Why not, Why by-and-by?” is an example of Repetition because the word “why” is repeated for emphasis.
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