1. Two different words are joined to form a new word with a new meaning. Such words are called Compound words. (Sometimes there is hyphen (-) between compound words.)
For example : homework or kind-hearted
Pick out some Compound words from the lesson.
1. Homework
2. Class teacher
3. High-pitched
4. Never-ending
5. Smarting limbs
6. All-devouring
2. (A) Add the proper prefix to make the following words opposite in meaning.
(1) Obey —– Disobey
(2) Sympathetic —- Unsympathetic
(3) Honour —- Dishonour
(4) Afraid —– Unafraid
(5) Content — Discontent
(B) Add a suffix to convert the following words to Adjective forms.
- Laugh → Laughable
- Thought → Thoughtful
- Forget → Forgetful
- Care → Careless
- Count → Countable
- Fear → Fearful
- Move → Movable
- Tear → Tearful
- Punish → Punishable
- Joy → Joyful
3. Find words/expressions from the story which are similar in meaning to:
(1) Very expensive → Extravagant
(2) Longing for → Yearning
(3) Could not remember at all → Went blank
(4) Constant → Perpetual
(5) Gather all one’s courage → Muster courage
(6) Filled and increased in size → Inflated
(7) Paining badly → Smarting
(8) Forced to pay a big amount of money → Pay through the nose
4. Answer in short, in your own words.
(1) What had the history teacher asked them to memorize?
Answer: The history teacher had asked them to memorize the causes and effects of the Battle of Panipat.
(2) How did Sayali’s new frock tear?
Answer: Sayali fell down the school stairs and tumbled down about seven steps, causing her frock to tear.
(3) Who did Sayali hug tightly?
Answer: Sayali hugged her younger brother tightly when he asked if she was in pain.
(4) Why was Sayali called ‘Slippery’?
Answer: Sayali often stumbled and fell even on dry land, so her classmates teased her by calling her ‘Slippery’.
(5) When did the teacher tell Sayali to meet her?
Answer: The teacher told Sayali to meet her in the teachers’ room after class.
(6) Where did the teacher ask Sayali to carry the notebooks?
Answer: The teacher asked Sayali to carry the notebooks to the teachers’ room and place them in her drawer.
5. Divide the class in 2 groups with the help of your teacher and convert the story into a skit. Each group can take up one part of the story and later combine both the parts. Mention the following in your compilation. Present the skit in your class.
- A new title
- Scenes
- Characters
- Dialogues
- Entry and Exit
6. Write expressions a person uses in the following situations.
(1) When a person gets a sudden fright: “Oh my God!” / “Ahh!”
(2) When a person is very nervous: “I don’t know what to do.” / “I’m so scared.”
(3) When a person is tensed: “I hope this goes well.” / “I’m really worried.”
(4) When a person is very happy: “This is amazing!” / “I’m so excited!”
(5) When a person is very confident: “I can do this!” / “I’m ready!”
(6) When a person is very angry: “This is unacceptable!” / “I’m furious!”
(7) When a person is very sad: “I feel terrible.” / “I’m heartbroken.”
Language Study
1. Some Verbs in English do not change in a regular pattern when their Tense changes. These verbs are called Irregular Verbs. Fill the forms of verbs in the following table. (Two are done for you.)
Present Tense | Past Tense | Past Participle |
Go | Went | Gone |
Come | Came | Come |
Sing | Sang | Sung |
Buy | Bought | Bought |
Drive | Drove | Driven |
Fall | Fell | Fallen |
Know | Knew | Known |
Run | Ran | Run |
See | Saw | Seen |
Take | Took | Taken |
3. (ii) Say whether the following sentences are in Continuous Tense or Perfect Tense.
(1) I was entering the class. → Past Continuous
(2) The girls are teasing me. → Present Continuous
(3) I haven’t said a word to you. → Present Perfect
(4) Never before had anyone lavished love on me. → Past Perfect
(5) You are going to be responsible for it. → Future Continuous
(6) According to the teacher, I had dropped the notebook on purpose. → Past Perfect
4. Turn the following sentences into Polite Requests.
(1) Take me to your teacher.
Answer: “Would you please take me to your teacher?”
(2) Tell me something about your school.
Answer: “Could you tell me something about your school?”
(3) Give me the details about your extracurricular activities.
Answer: “Would you mind giving me the details about your extracurricular activities?”
(4) Provide me with information about books in your school library.
Answer: “Would it be possible for you to provide me with information about books in your school library?”
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