The poem Try Again is an inspirational poem by W.E. Hickson. It teaches the importance of perseverance, patience, and hard work. The poet encourages us never to give up, no matter how many times we fail. Success comes to those who keep trying without losing hope.
Theme of the Poem:
- The poem conveys a motivational message that failure is not the end; it is just a step toward success.
- Perseverance (continuous effort) is the key to achieving one’s goals.
- Hard work, patience, and courage lead to ultimate success.
- Struggle is not a disgrace but an opportunity to improve and succeed.
Summary of the Poem:
The poet tells us that we should always keep trying. If we fail once or twice, we should not be discouraged. Instead, we should continue with determination. The poem highlights that:
- Failure is not a reason to quit but a lesson to improve.
- Courage and patience help us overcome difficulties.
- Hard work always pays off, even if the success is delayed.
- We should learn from our mistakes and try again until we succeed.
Stanza-wise Explanation:
Stanza 1:
‘Tis a lesson you should heed,Try again;If at first you don’t succeed,Try again;Then your courage should appear,For if you will persevere,You will conquer, never fear,Try again.
- The poet advises us to always remember the lesson of trying again.
- If we fail at first, we should not lose hope but gather courage and continue our efforts.
- If we persevere (keep trying), we will definitely achieve success.
Stanza 2:
Once or twice, though you should fail,Try again;If you would at last prevail,Try again;If we strive ’tis no disgraceThough we do not win the race;What should we do in that case?Try again.
- Failure is common, but we should not be discouraged.
- To prevail (succeed), we must keep trying.
- The poet reminds us that struggling is not shameful; instead, it shows determination.
- Even if we do not win immediately, we should continue trying.
Stanza 3:
If you find your task is hard,Try again;Time will bring you, your reward,Try again;All that other folk can do,Why, with patience, may not you?Only keep this rule in view,Try again.
- Some tasks may seem difficult, but we should not give up.
- Hard work and patience will bring rewards.
- The poet asks: If others can achieve success, why can’t you?
- The only rule to remember is to keep trying again and again.
Important Word Meanings:
- ‘Tis – It is (shortened form)
- Heed – Pay attention to
- Persevere – Keep trying until success is achieved
- Strive – Make great efforts to achieve something
- Disgrace – Shame or dishonor
- Prevail – Succeed after a struggle
- Folk – People
- Reward – A prize or result of hard work
Moral / Message of the Poem:
- Hard work and persistence lead to success.
- Failure is a part of life and should not stop us from achieving our goals.
- Patience and courage are important qualities for success.
- If we keep trying, we will ultimately achieve our dreams.
Figures of Speech Used in the Poem:
- Repetition:
- The phrase “Try again” is repeated several times to emphasize the importance of perseverance.
- Interrogation (Rhetorical Question):
- “What should we do in that case?” – The poet asks this question but already knows the answer (Try again).
- Alliteration:
- “Time will bring you, your reward” – The repetition of the ‘T’ sound.
- Inversion:
- “All that other folk can do, Why, with patience, may not you?” – The normal sentence structure is changed for poetic effect.
Proverbs / Universal Truths from the Poem:
- “If at first you don’t succeed, Try again.”
- “You will conquer, never fear, Try again.”
- “Time will bring you, your reward.”
- “If we strive ’tis no disgrace.”
The poem Try Again teaches an important life lesson – success does not come easily, but through continuous efforts and patience, we can achieve our goals. The poet encourages us not to be afraid of failure but to keep trying until we succeed. It is an inspirational and motivational poem that helps us build a strong mindset.
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