Short Questions
1. When did the Titanic start its maiden voyage?
Answer: The Titanic started its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912.
2. What does the word ‘Titanic’ mean?
Answer: The word ‘Titanic’ means huge.
3. How many passengers were on board the Titanic?
Answer: The Titanic carried more than 2000 passengers.
4. What was the name of the captain of the Titanic?
Answer: The captain of the Titanic was Captain Smith.
5. Why did the Titanic sink?
Answer: The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg, which caused water to flood the ship.
6. At what time did the Titanic hit the iceberg?
Answer: The Titanic hit the iceberg at 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912.
7. How many people died in the Titanic disaster?
Answer: About 1500 people lost their lives in the disaster.
8. Which ship came to rescue the Titanic’s passengers?
Answer: The Carpathia came to rescue the survivors.
9. Why couldn’t the California help the Titanic?
10. Answer: The California did not receive the distress signals as its radio was turned off.
Who directed the famous Titanic movie in 1998?
Answer: The Titanic movie was directed by James Cameron.
Long Questions
1. Describe the facilities available on the Titanic.
Answer: The Titanic was a luxurious ship with grand staircases, dining halls, shops, and swimming pools. It was as tall as a fifteen-storey building and was considered the best ship in the world. People believed that the Titanic was unsinkable due to its advanced construction.
2. Why did people believe the Titanic was unsinkable?
Answer: The Titanic was built using the latest technology and had watertight compartments that were designed to prevent sinking. The shipbuilders were so confident that they provided very few lifeboats, assuming they wouldn’t be needed. It was also one of the largest and strongest ships of its time, making people believe it was truly unsinkable.
3. How did the Titanic hit the iceberg?
Answer: On April 14, 1912, at 11:40 p.m., a lookout spotted a huge iceberg in the Titanic’s path. Captain Smith tried to steer the ship away, but the Titanic changed direction too slowly. The iceberg scraped the side of the ship, creating holes that allowed water to flood in, causing the disaster.
4. Why were the passengers in great danger after the Titanic hit the iceberg?
Answer: The Titanic had more than 2000 passengers, but there were not enough lifeboats to save everyone. Many passengers were asleep and unaware of the emergency, which delayed evacuation. As the ship sank, many people jumped into freezing water and died due to hypothermia or drowning.
5. How did the Carpathia help the Titanic survivors?
Answer: The Carpathia received the Titanic’s distress call and immediately sailed at full speed to rescue survivors. However, by the time it arrived at 3:40 a.m., the Titanic had already sunk, and many people had drowned. The Carpathia rescued 700 survivors who were in lifeboats and provided them with medical aid.
6. What safety measures were introduced after the Titanic disaster?
Answer: After the Titanic tragedy, new safety rules were introduced to prevent similar disasters. It was made compulsory for all ships to carry enough lifeboats for every passenger. Additionally, ships were required to keep their radios on 24 hours a day to receive distress calls.
7. Why did the California fail to help the Titanic?
Answer: The California was only 20 miles away but did not respond to the Titanic’s distress signals. The radio operator had turned off the radio and gone to sleep, so the emergency messages were not received. This failure to respond resulted in many unnecessary deaths that could have been prevented.
8. What happened to the Titanic after it hit the iceberg?
Answer: After hitting the iceberg, the Titanic began filling with water and tilted dangerously. Within a few hours, the ship broke into two pieces and sank completely at 2:20 a.m.. Over 1500 people lost their lives, while only 700 survivors were rescued by the Carpathia.
9. Where was the wreck of the Titanic found?
Answer: In 1985, scientists sent a submarine to search for the wreck of the Titanic. The ship was found at a depth of 4000 meters (13,000 feet) on the ocean floor in two broken pieces. Photographs were taken, and some small parts of the wreck were brought to the surface for research.
10. How has the Titanic been remembered in history?
Answer: The Titanic has been remembered as one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. Many books, documentaries, and movies have been made about it, including the famous 1998 film directed by James Cameron. The disaster led to major improvements in ship safety regulations worldwide.
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