Short Questions
1. What is friendship compared to in the poem?
Answer: Friendship is compared to a golden chain, a precious jewel, and a priceless gift.
2. Why does the poet call friendship a ‘golden chain’?
Answer: The poet calls friendship a golden chain because it strongly connects people like linked chains.
3. What makes friendship more precious with time?
Answer: Friendship becomes more precious with time due to love, trust, and happy memories.
4. Can friendship be bought or sold?
Answer: No, friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought or sold.
5. What holds the golden chain of friendship together?
Answer: The golden chain of friendship is held together by deep love and true understanding.
6. What does the poet say about the beauty of friendship?
Answer: The poet says that time cannot destroy the beauty of true friendship.
7. Why is friendship considered more valuable than gold?
Answer: Friendship is more valuable than gold because it brings joy, trust, and emotional support.
8. What role do memories play in friendship?
Answer: Memories strengthen friendship by keeping happy moments alive in the heart.
9. How does true friendship affect a person’s life?
Answer: True friendship brings happiness, support, and emotional strength to a person’s life.
10. What is the main message of the poem?
Answer: The poem teaches that true friendship is eternal, priceless, and built on love and trust.
Long Questions
1. How does the poet describe the bond of friendship?
Answer: The poet describes friendship as a golden chain that connects people with love and trust. It becomes more valuable with time and creates a strong, unbreakable bond. Friendship is compared to a jewel that shines brighter with every passing year.
2. Why does the poet say that friendship cannot be erased by time?
Answer: The poet says that true friendship remains beautiful and strong even as years pass. Happy memories and deep understanding keep friendship alive forever. Unlike material things, true friendship is timeless and cannot be destroyed.
3. Why is friendship compared to a priceless gift?
Answer: A priceless gift is something that cannot be bought, and friendship is the same. Money cannot buy true friendship because it is built on trust, care, and love. The poet believes that an understanding friend is more valuable than gold.
4. What are the qualities of a true friend according to the poem?
Answer: A true friend is loving, understanding, supportive, and trustworthy. They help in times of need and create happy and lasting memories. True friendship is based on deep connections and emotional bonding.
5. How does the poem explain the importance of memories in friendship?
Answer: The poem highlights that memories make friendship strong and unforgettable. Good times spent together create happiness that lasts a lifetime. As long as memories remain, the beauty of friendship can never fade.
6. What message does the poet give about the value of friendship?
Answer: The poet conveys that friendship is a treasure that money cannot buy. It is more precious than gold because it brings true happiness and support. True friends stay together through all difficulties, making life meaningful.
7. Why does the poet say that friendship is like a golden chain?
Answer: A golden chain is strong, valuable, and connects links together. Similarly, friendship connects hearts and remains unbreakable over time. The poet uses this metaphor to show how precious and strong true friendship is.
8. What does the poem teach about the lasting nature of friendship?
Answer: The poem teaches that true friendship does not fade with time. It is based on love, trust, and understanding, making it eternal. Unlike material things, friendship remains in the heart forever.
9. How does the poet describe the joy of friendship?
Answer: The poet says that friendship brings great joy that cannot be taken away. The happiness and love shared between true friends make life meaningful. Even when far apart, their bond remains strong due to their memories.
10. Why is an understanding friend considered a blessing?
Answer: An understanding friend supports and stands by us in difficult times. They listen, care, and help without expecting anything in return. Such friendship is rare, and the poet considers it more valuable than gold.
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