Short Answer Questions
1. Who is the poet of the poem “Be The Best”?
Answer: The poem “Be The Best” is written by Douglas Malloch.
2. What is the main message of the poem?
Answer: The poem teaches us to always do our best, no matter how big or small our role in life is.
3. What does the poet compare a pine tree to?
Answer: The poet compares a tall pine tree to a small scrub to show that both have their own importance.
4. What does the poet say about winning and failing?
Answer: The poet says that success is not determined by size but by how well we perform our work.
5. What does the poet say if one cannot be a muskie fish?
Answer: The poet suggests that if one cannot be a muskie fish, they should be a bass fish, but still do their best.
6. Why does the poet mention a highway and a trail?
Answer: The poet compares a highway (big) and a trail (small) to show that both serve a purpose.
7. What is the repeated phrase in the poem?
Answer: The phrase “If you can’t be…” is repeated throughout the poem.
8. What does the poet say about being a captain or crew?
Answer: The poet says that not everyone can be a captain, but being part of the crew is just as important.
9. What does the poet compare the sun to?
Answer: The poet compares the sun (big and bright) to a star, showing that both shine in their own way.
10. What should we remember from this poem?
Answer: We should remember to be the best at whatever we do, no matter how big or small.
Long Answer Questions
1. What does the poet mean by “If you can’t be a pine, be a scrub”?
Answer: The poet means that if we cannot achieve something big, we should still be happy with what we have.Every role, whether big or small, is important in its own way.
2. Why does the poet use comparisons between big and small things?
Answer: The poet uses these comparisons to show that even small things have great value.It teaches us that success is not about size but about effort and dedication.
3. What lesson do we learn from the comparison between the highway and the trail?
Answer: The highway is big and widely used, while the trail is small but still useful.This teaches us that no matter how small our role is, it still has importance.
4. What is the significance of the line “It isn’t by size that you win or fail”?
Answer: This line means that success is not based on how big or powerful someone is.Instead, it depends on how well they perform their role in life.
5. Why does the poet say “Be the best of whatever you are”?
Answer: The poet encourages us to always give our best effort in whatever role we have.No matter our position, our hard work and dedication make us valuable.
6. What does the poet say about leadership and teamwork?
Answer: The poet says that not everyone can be a leader (captain), but the team (crew) is equally important.Every role in a group contributes to success, making teamwork essential.
7. Why does the poet use examples from nature in the poem?
Answer: The poet uses examples like trees, fish, and the sun to make the message easy to understand.Nature shows us that everything has a role, and we should accept ours.
8. How does this poem inspire students in their daily lives?
Answer: The poem inspires students to always do their best, even in small tasks.It teaches that every effort matters and that hard work leads to success.
9. What does the poet mean by “If you can’t be a muskie, be a bass”?
Answer: The poet means that even if we can’t be the biggest or the best, we should still try our hardest. Every role, big or small, has its own importance.
10. What values does this poem teach us?
Answer: The poem teaches us hard work, self-acceptance, and determination. It reminds us that true success comes from effort, not from status.
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