MCQ Chapter 4.5 Class 7 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7From The Selfish Giant 1. Who is the author of "The Selfish Giant"?William ShakespeareOscar WildeMark TwainCharles DickensQuestion 1 of 202. What is "The Selfish Giant" primarily about?A greedy kingA compassionate farmerA giant who learns compassionA lonely childQuestion 2 of 203. Where did the giant visit for seven years?His castleHis friend the Cornish OgreA faraway forestThe North Wind's homeQuestion 3 of 204. What did the giant build to keep the children out?A moatA high wallA large fenceA hedgeQuestion 4 of 205. What notice did the giant put up on the board?"Do not enter""Trespassers will be prosecuted""Keep out, children""Private property"Question 5 of 206. How did the children feel after being excluded from the garden?HappyIndifferentSadAngryQuestion 6 of 207. What season did not visit the garden after the giant built the wall?WinterSpringAutumnSummerQuestion 7 of 208. What natural element was delighted to remain in the garden?RainFrostSnowBoth B and CQuestion 8 of 209. What stopped the children from climbing back into the garden initially?The giant's gruff voiceThe high wallThe cold weatherThe North WindQuestion 9 of 2010. What was the garden compared to when the children played there?A paradiseA playgroundA dusty roadA barren landQuestion 10 of 2011. Why did the beautiful flower slip back into the ground?It was scared of the giant.It was sorry for the children.It disliked the garden.It was too cold.Question 11 of 2012. Which natural element said, "This is a delightful spot"?The SnowThe FrostThe North WindThe HailQuestion 12 of 2013. How did the giant feel when he saw his garden remained cold and white?He was pleased.He was confused.He was angry.He was indifferent.Question 13 of 2014. What natural elements personified in the story were considered unpleasant?Spring and SummerSnow, Frost, and North WindAutumn and the birdsFlowers and the grassQuestion 14 of 2015. How long did the Hail rattle on the roof of the castle daily?One hourTwo hoursThree hoursFour hoursQuestion 15 of 2016. What caused the giant to wake up and realize Spring had returned?The children's laughterA delicious perfumeLovely music from a linnetWarm sunlightQuestion 16 of 2017. What did the giant see when he looked out after hearing the linnet's song?The children had returned to the garden.The Snow and Frost were leaving.The flowers were blooming.The North Wind was roaring.Question 17 of 2018. What was the condition of the farthest corner of the garden when Spring returned?It was fully blossomed.It remained in winter.It was filled with birds.It was covered with golden leaves.Question 18 of 2019. Why could the little boy not climb the tree?He was too small.He was scared of the giant.He was too weak.The tree did not bend.Question 19 of 2020. How did the giant feel when he saw the little boy crying?IndifferentCompassionateAngryConfusedQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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