MCQ Chapter 4.3 Class 7 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7Chasing the Sea Monster 1. What does the word "mimicked" mean in the passage?ImitatedChasedEscapedThreatenedQuestion 1 of 102. What was used to try and kill the monster from a distance?HarpoonBlunderbussCannonArrowsQuestion 2 of 103. What did the electric light represent?A reflectionThe monster's glowA lighthouseBioluminescenceQuestion 3 of 104. What did the commander order after the first shot missed?To reloadTo retreatTo change courseTo speed upQuestion 4 of 105. What caused the narrator to be thrown into the sea?A stormA collisionThe monster's attackThe ship capsizingQuestion 5 of 106. What was the harpoon compared to when it struck the monster?A bladeA ringing sound on metalA sparkA clanging chainQuestion 6 of 107. Why was the crew unable to sleep during the chase?FearCuriosityBattle preparationsNoise from the monsterQuestion 7 of 108. What did the phrase "wrapped us in sheets of electricity" imply?The ship was electrifiedThe monster emitted lightThe ship was struck by lightningThe monster was a machineQuestion 8 of 109. What motivated the crew to continue the chase?AdventureA monetary rewardThe thrill of discoveryTheir captain's ordersQuestion 9 of 1010. How did the passage end?The monster was caughtThe ship retreatedThe narrator was thrown into the seaThe monster attacked the shipQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
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