MCQ Chapter 4.3 Class 7 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7Chasing the Sea Monster 1. How did the monster affect the ship?It damaged the sailsIt electrified the shipIt capsized the shipIt destroyed the mastsQuestion 1 of 202. What is the role of a cannoneer?Load the harpoonSteer the shipFire the cannonRaise the sailsQuestion 2 of 203. What caused the monster to appear lifeless at the end?It diedIt fledThe lights went outThe ship caught upQuestion 3 of 204. How long did the chase last?An hourA daySeveral hoursA weekQuestion 4 of 205. Why did the commander offer a reward?To capture the monsterTo motivate the crewTo identify the creatureTo encourage better aimQuestion 5 of 206. What happened when the harpoon struck the monster?It pierced throughIt bounced offIt explodedIt stuck halfwayQuestion 6 of 207. What was the crew's reaction after the cannon shot?PanicCelebrationSilenceDisappointmentQuestion 7 of 208. What was the monster compared to in the passage?A whaleA giant squidA glowwormA cometQuestion 8 of 209. What was Ned Land known for?Commanding shipsBeing a skilled harpoonerLeading the crewLoading cannonsQuestion 9 of 2010. What did the monster release that hit the deck?LightningWater spoutsFlamesRocksQuestion 10 of 2011. What was the initial assumption about the monster?It was a ghostIt was an animalIt was a shipIt was a mythQuestion 11 of 2012. What did the ship use to spot the monster at night?FlaresSpyglassesLanternsSpotlightsQuestion 12 of 2013. What did the crew hope for when the monster disappeared?That it had fledThat it was preparing to attackThat it was defeatedThat it had sunkQuestion 13 of 2014. What part of the ship is the stern?FrontLeft sideRight sideRearQuestion 14 of 2015. What weapon could shoot a harpoon from a distance?Duck gunBlunderbussCannonBowgunQuestion 15 of 2016. What does the term "full steam" mean in the passage?Using a steam engineMoving at full speedEvaporating steamFilling the ship with steamQuestion 16 of 2017. Why did the crew struggle to keep up with the monster?The ship was damagedThe monster was fasterThey ran out of fuelThe wind was weakQuestion 17 of 2018. What happened to the masts during the chase?They brokeThey trembledThey were cut downThey caught fireQuestion 18 of 2019. What is the meaning of "luminous" as used in the text?ShinyBright with lightReflectiveTransparentQuestion 19 of 2020. What emotion did Commander Farragut show when the monster first appeared?ExcitementCalmnessAstonishmentAngerQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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