MCQ Chapter 3.5 Class 7 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7The Red-headed League 1. Why did Holmes suspect the crime would happen on the weekend?Banks would be closedThe assistant hinted at itIt was easier to avoid suspicionA note was leftQuestion 1 of 202. Who accompanied Holmes to the bank?Dr.Watson and Mr.WilsonDr.Watson, Mr.Jones, and Mr.MerryweatherDr.Watson and Duncan RossMr.Wilson and Vincent SpauldingQuestion 2 of 203. Where did Mr.Merryweather lead the group?To the top floorTo the cellarTo the vaultTo the meeting roomQuestion 3 of 204. What was in the boxes in the bank's cellar?SilverGoldBondsBooksQuestion 4 of 205. How did the criminals enter the cellar?Through a doorThrough a tunnelThrough a windowThrough the roofQuestion 5 of 206. Who was the second criminal with John Clay?Duncan RossSherlock HolmesMr.JonesMr.MerryweatherQuestion 6 of 207. What happened to Duncan Ross during the arrest?He was shotHe escaped through the tunnelHe was caught immediatelyHe surrenderedQuestion 7 of 208. What did Holmes hit to disarm John Clay?His armHis wristHis chestHis legQuestion 8 of 209. What was the ultimate goal of the criminals?Stealing the bank's goldKidnapping Mr.WilsonRobbing a museumBlackmailing the bankQuestion 9 of 2010. How did Holmes deduce the existence of the tunnel?Spaulding’s frequent trips to the cellarNoise from diggingA mapInformation from Mr.JonesQuestion 10 of 2011. What confirmed Holmes’ suspicion during the visit to the shop?The stained knees of Spaulding’s trousersSpaulding’s behaviorNoise from belowThe assistant’s confessionQuestion 11 of 2012. How long did Mr.Wilson work for the League?Two weeksEight weeksSix monthsOne yearQuestion 12 of 2013. What did the criminals plan to do after stealing the gold?Escape through the tunnelHide in the bankDisguise as bank employeesTake a trainQuestion 13 of 2014. What skill of Holmes was evident in solving the case?Physical strengthLogical reasoningIntimidationHypnosisQuestion 14 of 2015. What was the main clue in the story?The advertisementThe cellar visitsSpaulding's behaviorAll of the aboveQuestion 15 of 2016. How did Holmes view the League's advertisement?SuspiciousInnocentFunnyUselessQuestion 16 of 2017. Why did Spaulding work for half wages?To avoid suspicionTo gain Mr.Wilson's trustHe was poorHe disliked moneyQuestion 17 of 2018. What time were Holmes and the group at the bank?MorningNoonEveningNightQuestion 18 of 2019. What prevented the criminals' escape?Holmes’ team sealed all exitsThe tunnel collapsedThe bank staff caught themThey got lost in the tunnelQuestion 19 of 2020. Who appreciated Holmes for foiling the robbery?Mr.WilsonMr.MerryweatherDr.WatsonScotland YardQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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