MCQ Chapter 3.2 Class 7 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7The Welcome 1. Who is the author of "The Welcome"?R.K.NarayanRabindranath TagoreMunshi PremchandSarojini NaiduQuestion 1 of 202. What type of play is "The Welcome"?DramaComedyTragedyOne-act playQuestion 2 of 203. What has Chaturbhuj Babu achieved when he returns to the village?Completed his MAWon an awardGot marriedPublished a bookQuestion 3 of 204. What does Chaturbhuj bring with him to the village?A trophyA plump Afghan catA letterA suitcaseQuestion 4 of 205. Who is the first character to meet Chaturbhuj?NilratanZamindarUncle SatuSadhucharanQuestion 5 of 206. What does Nilratan mostly talk about?Chaturbhuj's degreeThe village newsThe catThe city lifeQuestion 6 of 207. How does Chaturbhuj feel about people focusing on his cat?HappyIrritatedAmusedExcitedQuestion 7 of 208. What invitation does the Zamindar extend to Chaturbhuj?A dinner at his houseA visit to see the catTo attend a celebrationTo discuss educationQuestion 8 of 209. What does Uncle Satu accuse education of doing to young people?Enhancing their characterMaking them arrogantImproving their prospectsWasting their timeQuestion 9 of 2010. What phrase does Uncle Satu use to describe Chaturbhuj?Full of wisdomConceitedHelpfulPoliteQuestion 10 of 2011. Why does Chaturbhuj refuse to stay at home?He dislikes the foodEveryone cares only about the catHe has an urgent taskThe house is noisyQuestion 11 of 2012. What emotion does Chaturbhuj's mother express about his anger?AmusementSadnessSurprisePrideQuestion 12 of 2013. Why do the urchins tease Chaturbhuj?For failing his examsBecause of his catFor leaving the villageDue to his arroganceQuestion 13 of 2014. What ultimately happens to the cat according to Chaturbhuj?It runs awayIt diesIt gets soldIt is stolenQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the Zamindar call the cat?An ordinary animalA stunnerA unique petA rare speciesQuestion 15 of 2016. Who slaps the little boy when he asks for the cat?ChaturbhujThe motherUncle SatuZamindarQuestion 16 of 2017. How does Chaturbhuj respond to the Zamindar’s invitation?Gratefully acceptsDeclines out of irritationSends someone else with the catAvoids answering directlyQuestion 17 of 2018. What phrase describes the young street kids chasing Chaturbhuj?A group of urchinsA pack of rebelsA line of followersA band of musiciansQuestion 18 of 2019. How does the maid refer to Chaturbhuj's temper?CalmBlazingNeutralDismissiveQuestion 19 of 2020. Who does the maid tell about Chaturbhuj’s anger?The auntThe motherThe little boyThe catQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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