MCQ Chapter 1.5 Class 7 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7Children are going to school 1. What do the children symbolize in the poem?Hope and futureSadnessFearSilenceQuestion 1 of 152. What sound is associated with the children going to school?HornsSweet soundsWhistlesBirds chirpingQuestion 2 of 153. What does the poem focus on?Natural disastersThe beauty of natureThe importance of educationReligious practicesQuestion 3 of 154. What feeling does the line "the Earth throbs like a mother’s heart" convey?FearAnxietyLove and careAngerQuestion 4 of 155. Why are natural elements described as acting like humans?To create a magical effectTo emphasize their importanceTo add humorTo make the poem relatableQuestion 5 of 156. What sense is mainly described in the poem?TasteSmellSightHearingQuestion 6 of 157. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the poem?SunMoonSkyBreezesQuestion 7 of 158. What is the mood of the poem?GloomyCheerfulMelancholicFearfulQuestion 8 of 159. How is the Sun personified?As a kingAs a wise elderAs a groomAs a warriorQuestion 9 of 1510. What kind of morning is depicted in the poem?StormyPeaceful and brightCloudyRainyQuestion 10 of 1511. What type of poem is "Children are going to school"?LyricalDescriptiveNarrativeDramaticQuestion 11 of 1512. What language was the poem originally written in?EnglishUrduHindiSanskritQuestion 12 of 1513. What message does the poem convey?Nature's powerJoy of learningReligious beliefsFear of natureQuestion 13 of 1514. How are flowers described in the poem?SleepingMelodiousDancingQuietQuestion 14 of 1515. What figure of speech is used when the Peepal waves his hands?MetaphorSimilePersonificationAlliterationQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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