MCQ Chapter 1.5 Class 7 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7Children are going to school 1. Who wrote the poem "Children are going to school"?Rabindranath TagoreNida FazliSarojini NaiduRuskin BondQuestion 1 of 152. What time of day is described in the poem?AfternoonMorningEveningNightQuestion 2 of 153. Which fabric is mentioned in the poem?SilkMuslinCottonWoolQuestion 3 of 154. What is the Sun described as wearing?A golden muslin turbanA red silk scarfA cotton capA woolen shawlQuestion 4 of 155. What do fragrant flowers do in the poem?Sleep deeplyAwaken the roadsSing songsSmile at childrenQuestion 5 of 156. What does the Peepal tree do in the poem?DancesSingsWaves its handsSleepsQuestion 6 of 157. How is the Sky described in the poem?Bright and cheerfulBowing in respectDark and stormyFull of cloudsQuestion 7 of 158. Which natural element is described as singing songs of blessings?SunSkyBreezesFlowersQuestion 8 of 159. What does every particle of the Earth do in the poem?Glows like fireThrobs like a mother’s heartShines like a starDances with joyQuestion 9 of 1510. What does Time do in the poem?Flies pigeonsRings bellsDances in the skyOpens flowersQuestion 10 of 1511. What emotion does the poem mainly convey?FearSadnessJoyAngerQuestion 11 of 1512. What does the word "a-gleam" mean in the poem?DarkShining brightlyFaint lightDullQuestion 12 of 1513. Who translated the poem into English?Nida FazliNot mentionedRabindranath TagoreWilliam WordsworthQuestion 13 of 1514. Which award did Nida Fazli receive?Bharat RatnaPadma ShriPadma BhushanSahitya Akademi AwardQuestion 14 of 1515. What kind of tree is mentioned in the poem?MangoPeepalBanyanNeemQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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