MCQ Chapter 1.4 Class 7 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7Journey to the West 1. Who wrote the novel Journey to the West?Yuan ChwangSun WukongWu Cheng'enGuanyinQuestion 1 of 202. What is the primary focus of Journey to the West?A war storyA historical account of Yuan Chwang's travelsA fictional account of Yuan Chwang's pilgrimageA romantic taleQuestion 2 of 203. Why did Yuan Chwang travel to India?To conquer landTo collect Buddhist scripturesTo trade goodsTo visit familyQuestion 3 of 204. How long did Yuan Chwang's journey take?10 years17 years7 years5 yearsQuestion 4 of 205. Which desert did Yuan Chwang cross during his journey?Thar DesertGobi DesertSahara DesertKalahari DesertQuestion 5 of 206. Who is the Monkey King in the novel?Zu BajjiSun WukongSha WujingYuan ChwangQuestion 6 of 207. Which character has the ability to transform in 72 different ways?Zu BajjiSun WukongGuanyinSha WujingQuestion 7 of 208. What is Sun Wukong's magical weapon called?Thunderbolt SwordAs-you-wish-gold-banded cudgelMagic WandLightning StaffQuestion 8 of 209. Which of these regions was NOT mentioned as part of Yuan Chwang's journey?KyrgyzstanUzbekistanJapanAfghanistanQuestion 9 of 2010. Who assigned the three supernatural beings to help Yuan Chwang?Wu Cheng'enSun WukongGuanyinYuan ChwangQuestion 10 of 2011. Which character is known as Pigsy?Sun WukongZu BajjiSha WujingGuanyinQuestion 11 of 2012. What was one of the main challenges Yuan Chwang faced during his journey?Language barriersDeserts and mountainsLack of foodPolitical conflictsQuestion 12 of 2013. What power does Sun Wukong's eyes have?Night visionX-ray visionInfrared visionFire visionQuestion 13 of 2014. What was Yuan Chwang's primary goal in India?To learn martial artsTo gather Buddhist scripturesTo teach Chinese cultureTo explore wildlifeQuestion 14 of 2015. Who was the goddess of mercy mentioned in the chapter?AthenaGuanyinDurgaIsisQuestion 15 of 2016. What was the nature of Yuan Chwang's journey?A leisure tripA pilgrimageA military expeditionA trade route explorationQuestion 16 of 2017. Which supernatural character was also called the Sand Priest?Sun WukongSha WujingZu BajjiGuanyinQuestion 17 of 2018. What could Sun Wukong's magical cudgel transform into?A snakeA needleA ropeA shieldQuestion 18 of 2019. What made Sun Wukong invulnerable?His diamond bodyHis magical shieldHis ability to flyHis invisibilityQuestion 19 of 2020. How did Yuan Chwang return to China?By seaBy foot and horsebackBy caravanBy royal escortQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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