MCQ Chapter 1.3 Class 7 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7Little Girls Wiser than Old People 1. Who wrote the story "Little Girls Wiser than Old People"?Charles DickensLeo TolstoyMark TwainWilliam WordsworthQuestion 1 of 202. What festival was being celebrated in the story?ChristmasEasterThanksgivingNew YearQuestion 2 of 203. What were the two girls wearing on their heads?HatsRed kerchiefsCrownsRibbonsQuestion 3 of 204. Why did Akulka get angry with Malasha?Malasha stepped on her footMalasha splashed dirty water on her dressMalasha took her toyMalasha insulted herQuestion 4 of 205. What was Akulka's dress color?BlueRedYellowGreenQuestion 5 of 206. What did Malasha do that caused the fight?Stole Akulka's dressSplashed water on Akulka's dressBroke Akulka's toyCalled Akulka namesQuestion 6 of 207. Why did Malasha run home?She was scaredShe wanted to change clothesShe was called by her motherShe felt coldQuestion 7 of 208. Who tried to stop the fight among the villagers?MalashaAkulkaAkulka's grandmotherVillage headQuestion 8 of 209. What did Akulka do to resolve the conflict?Apologized to MalashaPlayed with MalashaLet the water flow out of the puddleWent homeQuestion 9 of 2010. What lesson does the story convey?Children are always wrongFighting solves problemsChildren can teach valuable lessonsAlways blame othersQuestion 10 of 2011. What were the girls doing at the puddle initially?FightingPlaying and showing their clothesCollecting waterCleaning the puddleQuestion 11 of 2012. Why were the people ashamed in the end?They realized their mistakeThey lost the fightThe girls scolded themThe old woman punished themQuestion 12 of 2013. What material were the puddles filled with?Clear waterRainwaterWater mixed with manureMelted snowQuestion 13 of 2014. Why did Akulka remove her shoes?They were dirtyTo avoid getting them wetTo give them to MalashaThey were uncomfortableQuestion 14 of 2015. Who did Akulka's mother blame for the incident?AkulkaMalashaAkulka's fatherThe old womanQuestion 15 of 2016. What did Malasha do when scolded?Cried and ran homeApologizedLaughedStayed silentQuestion 16 of 2017. How did the fight between the adults escalate?By arguingPhysical violenceIgnoring each otherComplaining to the eldersQuestion 17 of 2018. Who was the wisest in the story?The old womanAkulkaMalashaThe villagersQuestion 18 of 2019. What was the weather like during the story?SnowyRainySunnyWindyQuestion 19 of 2020. What did Akulka's grandmother advise?To fight moreTo be peacefulTo punish MalashaTo leave the villageQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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