Question Answer For All Chapters – English Class 7
Workshop Questions Solutions
1. Make other meaningful sentences by using other words in place of the words in the boxes.
- We will go ant-eating today.
- This is how we pangolins gobble up termites .
- You have to be on your guard against greedy people .
- Life is now full of hardships .
Answer :
Original Sentence: “We will go ant-eating today.”
- New Sentence: “We will go termite-hunting today.”
Original Sentence: “This is how we pangolins gobble up termites.”
- New Sentence: “This is how we pangolins quickly eat termites.”
Original Sentence: “You have to be on your guard against greedy people.”
- New Sentence: “You have to be cautious of selfish individuals.”
Original Sentence: “Life is now full of hardships.”
- New Sentence: “Life is now filled with challenges.”
2. List all the references in the story that tell you that it is nighttime.
Translate the phrases into your mother tongue.
Answer :
Translation to Mother Tongue (Example: Hindi)
- “हम रात में चींटी खाने चलेंगे।”
- “बच्चे ने दिनभर की नींद के बाद उठना शुरू किया।”
- “हम रात में घूमने जाते हैं।”
- “हमें सुबह से पहले घर वापस जाना होगा।”
3. Use the Pangolin Fact Sheet to make a collage giving interesting information on Pangolins.
Answer :
Suggested Information for the Collage:
- Pangolins eat up to 7 crore termites annually.
- They are covered in scales made of keratin.
- They roll into a tight ball for protection.
- Found in India (Indian Pangolins) and other parts of Asia and Africa.
- Included in the Red List of endangered species by the IUCN.
- Their scales are smuggled despite no proven medicinal value.
4. Write what Mama Pangolin told her Baby about the following topics.
Answer :
Pangolins as animal species:
- Pangolins have scales made of keratin and eat ants and termites using their long, sticky tongues.
- They have no teeth and live in snug holes in the earth.
- They are nocturnal and depend on their strong sense of smell.
Threats to Pangolins:
- Humans hunt pangolins for their scales and flesh.
- Deforestation and habitat destruction make survival difficult.
- People wrongly believe their scales have medicinal value.
Efforts to save Pangolins:
- Organizations like Sahyadri Nisarg Mitra raise awareness.
- Posters and pamphlets spread the message of conservation.
- Modern trap cameras help researchers study pangolins.
5. Say whether the following sentences are true or false:
(a) The pangolin’s home was a snug hole in the earth. True
(b) Mama pangolin used her claws to eat ants and termites. True
(c) Baby pangolin did not like termites. False
(d) Mama pangolin pulled her long body together into a tight ball. True
(e) Pangolin scales are medicinal. False
(f) Human beings have destroyed pangolin habitats. True
Anonymous says
this best for solve workshop