Question Answer For All Chapters – English Class 7
1. This story has two parts. Write what happened in each part.
Answer :
In the country:
- The Town Mouse visited the Country Mouse.
- The Country Mouse welcomed him warmly and offered simple food like beans, cheese, and bread.
- The Town Mouse disliked the simple food and invited the Country Mouse to the town for a better experience.
At the big house:
- The Town Mouse showed the Country Mouse a grand dining room with fancy food like cakes and jellies.
- Suddenly, big dogs chased the mice, making the Country Mouse realize that simple food with peace is better than fancy food with fear.
2. Translate the following into your mother tongue :
- I do not like that music at my dinner!
- Better beans and bread in peace than cakes and jellies in fear.
Answer :
Translate these sentences into your mother tongue (Marathi):
- “I do not like that music at my dinner!”
- माझ्या जेवणाच्या वेळी तो आवाज मला आवडत नाही!
- “Better beans and bread in peace than cakes and jellies in fear.”
- भीतीत केक आणि जेलीसपेक्षा शांततेत उसळ आणि भाकरी चांगली!
3. Try to write more sentences on the pattern of ‘Better beans and bread in peace than cakes and jellies in fear.’ Example : Better late than never.
Answer :
- Better to walk slowly than run and fall.
- Better a small house with love than a big house with fights.
- Better to be kind than to be rich.
4. Write the moral of the story in your mother tongue using your own words.
Answer :
- Moral: सुखाने राहणे महत्त्वाचे आहे, भव्य जीवन निरर्थक असते जर भीती कायम असेल.
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