Question Answer For All Chapters – English Class 7
English Workshop Solutions Page 29
1. Read aloud the two conversations in this part.
(a) Between Mrs Desai and her students.
(b) Between Asmita and Snehal.
2. Say whether the following sentences are right (✔) or wrong (✘). Correct the wrong ones.
(a) There are both boys and girls in this class.
- ✔ Right
(b) They never quarrel.
- ✘ Wrong
Correction: They do quarrel sometimes, but they remain united during challenges.
(c) Their teachers never shout at them.
- ✘ Wrong
Correction: Their teachers sometimes scold them for poor performance and incomplete work.
(d) There was no unity among the students in the class.
- ✘ Wrong
Correction: The class was known for its unity and teamwork.
(e) Sushmita spoke to the teacher in a low, soft voice.
- ✔ Right
(f) Asmita is telling us their story.
- ✔ Right
3. Discuss the following questions:
(a) Why does Mrs. Desai’s class like her?
- Mrs. Desai is kind, supportive, and encourages her students without scolding them unnecessarily. She appreciates their unity and calls them by respectful names like “young man” or “young lady,” which makes them feel special.
(b) Should Mrs. Desai have been angry or unhappy?
- Mrs. Desai wasn’t angry, but she was disappointed when her students performed poorly. Instead of scolding them, she motivated them to improve. This approach inspired the class to work harder.
4. Use the information to make meaningful sentences using the following adverbs Complete the sentences using the given adverbs:
(a) always (b) regularly (c) sometimes (d) never
You may also make any other sentences using these adverbs.
Answer :
(a) We always stand together as a class.
(b) Our teacher expects us to come to school regularly.
(c) Some students sometimes forget their homework.
(d) The class never shares secrets with outsiders.
English Workshop Solutions Page 32
1. Discuss the meaning of the following statements and translate them into simple language:
(a) We must make her proud of us.
- Meaning: We should work hard and improve so that Mrs. Desai feels proud of our efforts.
- Translation: हमें ऐसा काम करना चाहिए कि मिसेज़ देसाई को हम पर गर्व हो।
(b) We will make it possible.
- Meaning: If we work as a team, we can achieve our goal of improving our performance.
- Translation: हम इसे संभव बनाएंगे।
(c) See what I mean!
- Meaning: This phrase is used to clarify or emphasize a point.
- Translation: समझे मैंने क्या कहा?
(d) This will not do.
- Meaning: This behavior or action is unacceptable.
- Translation: यह ठीक नहीं है।
(e) Something is at work in this class, I am sure.
- Meaning: Mrs. Desai noticed that the class was making a special effort to improve.
- Translation: मुझे यकीन है कि इस कक्षा में कुछ खास हो रहा है।
(f) She was all smiles.
- Meaning: She was very happy and smiling.
- Translation: वह बहुत खुश थीं।
(g) Many of us did do well.
- Meaning: Many students performed well in the second test.
- Translation: हममें से कई लोगों ने अच्छा प्रदर्शन किया।
(h) I have let the whole class down.
- Meaning: I feel responsible for disappointing the class.
- Translation: मैंने पूरी कक्षा को निराश किया।
(i) That’s quite a leap.
- Meaning: This is a big improvement.
- Translation: यह एक बड़ी प्रगति है।
2. Write any one of the following dialogues.
(a) A dialogue between two friends about their studies.
(b) A dialogue between a teacher and a student about studies.
(c) A dialogue between a parent and a child about studies.
Answer :
Write a dialogue between two friends about their studies.
A: Hey! How’s your preparation for the test going?
B: Not so great. I’m struggling with maths. What about you?
A: I’m doing okay. I can help you with maths if you want.
B: That would be awesome. Thanks a lot!
3. What rules would you like to make for : (a) yourself (b) your class ?
Answer :
(a) Yourself
- I will study for at least two hours every day.
- I will complete my homework on time.
- I will revise before tests.
(b) Your Class
- We will respect and help each other.
- We will keep the classroom clean and organized.
- We will participate actively in class activities.
5. Find and write three examples each of the past, present, and future tenses from the story.
Past Tense:
- Mrs. Desai handed out the report cards.
- We sat together to make a plan.
- Many of us failed in the first test.
Present Tense:
- Mrs. Desai notices the change in the class.
- Everyone pays attention during lessons.
- The class works as a team.
Future Tense:
- We will make her proud of us.
- The class will continue working hard.
- Naina will improve her marks.
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