Question Answer For All Chapters – English Class 7
1. Read the poem aloud.
Practice reading the poem out loud with clear pronunciation to understand its rhythm and meaning.
2. Find at least two things from the poem that show the following:
(a) It is early morning:
- “Morning light spreads over the earth.”
- “The Sun, after his morning dip in the river.”
(b) The atmosphere is pleasant:
- “Through the green-topped branches, Breezes sing their songs of blessings.”
- “Fragrant Flowers awaken the sleepy roads with their melodies.”
3. Apart from the children, no other human beings are mentioned in the poem.
However, many natural elements are shown to act like persons. Write what each of them does:
Why are these written with a capital letter at the beginning?
Answer :
- The Sky: Bows his head in respect.
- The Sun: Dresses in a golden muslin turban and smiles by the road.
- Breezes: Sing songs of blessings.
- Fragrant Flowers: Awaken the roads with their melodies.
- The Peepal tree: Waves its hands in lush foliage.
- Every particle of the Earth: Throbs like a mother’s heart.
Why are these written with a capital letter?
To show respect and give human-like qualities to these natural elements.
4. What does Time do? What do we understand from his action?
Answer :
Time: Flies pigeons in the sky while sitting on an old roof.
Understanding: This shows the beauty and liveliness of the morning, and how time moves gently as children go to school.
5. The whole world is happy because children are going to school. Why is it so ? Discuss it in the classroom.
Answer :
The world feels hopeful and alive because children represent the future. Their journey to school shows progress and learning.
6. If you were to draw a picture of the scene described here, what colours will you use ? Mention the objects and the colours using lines from the poem and your imagination.
Answer :
- Morning light: Light yellow.
- Sky: Soft blue.
- Sun’s turban: Golden.
- Flowers: Various bright colors like pink and red.
- Peepal tree: Dark green leaves.
8. List all the verbs in the poem that have the suffx ‘-s’.
Answer :
- Spreads
- Bows
- Smiles
- Sings
- Waves
- Throbs
9. Write in two minutes, at least twenty words related to the given word.
school road tree
Answer :
School: Classroom, teacher, books, blackboard, students, homework, exams, chalk, library, principal, desk, uniform, recess, friends, playground, lessons, bell, notebooks, bag, study.
Road: Path, vehicles, traffic, signals, pedestrians, streetlights, turns, signs, pavement, cycle, bus, lanes, crosswalk, shops, journey, travel, highway, smooth, bumpy, narrow.
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