Important Question For All Chapters – English Class 7
Short Questions
1. What is a fable?
Answer : A short story with a moral, often using animal characters.
2. Who is Aesop?
Answer : A famous Greek storyteller known for his fables.
3. What did the Town Mouse dislike about the country?
Answer : The simple food like beans, cheese, and bread.
4. Why did the Town Mouse invite the Country Mouse to the town?
Answer : To show him a luxurious lifestyle.
5. What scared the mice in the town?
Answer : The barking of big dogs.
6. What was the moral of “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”?
Answer : Better simple food in peace than luxury in fear.
7. Why did the traveler lie with his face in the dust?
Answer : To pretend to be dead and avoid the bear.
8. What did the bear whisper to the traveler?
Answer : “Never trust a friend who deserts you at a pinch.”
9. What kind of story is “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”?
Answer : A fable with a moral.
10. Why did the Town Mouse prefer the town?
Answer : For the luxurious food and lifestyle.
11. What did the Country Mouse enjoy about the country?
Answer : The peace and safety.
12. Who deserted their friend in “The Two Friends and the Bear”?
Answer : The friend who climbed the tree.
13. What is the meaning of “rustic”?
Answer : Relating to the countryside or simple living.
14. What does “refreshment” mean in the story?
Answer : Food or drink that makes one feel better.
15. What did the Country Mouse dislike in the town?
Answer : The danger and noise of the dogs.
16. What is the meaning of “desert” in the fable?
Answer : To leave someone behind.
17. How did the Town Mouse describe the country food?
Answer : Poor and simple.
18. What did the bear do after sniffing the man?
Answer : Walked away, believing he was dead.
Long Questions
1. Why did the Town Mouse invite the Country Mouse to the town?
Answer : The Town Mouse wanted to show his cousin how luxurious and comfortable town life could be compared to the simple life in the countryside. He believed the Country Mouse would enjoy the fancy food and lifestyle.
2. What lesson do we learn from “The Two Friends and the Bear”?
Answer : The story teaches us that true friends stick together in difficult times. It also warns us not to trust those who abandon us when we need them the most.
3. Why did the Country Mouse leave the town?
Answer : The Country Mouse realized he preferred peace and safety over luxury. He thought it was better to live simply without fear of danger, like the dogs in the town.
4. What is the importance of fables in society?
Answer : Fables are important because they teach valuable life lessons in an easy-to-understand way. They often use simple stories to guide us on how to behave and make good decisions.
5. How did the Town Mouse treat his Country Mouse cousin?
Answer : The Town Mouse welcomed his cousin warmly but criticized the simple country food. He offered him rich food in the town but didn’t consider his cousin’s comfort or safety.
6. Why did the traveler lie flat on the ground in “The Two Friends and the Bear”?
Answer : He had heard that bears do not attack dead animals, so he pretended to be lifeless. This was his way of protecting himself from danger.
7. What does the phrase “Better beans and bread in peace than cakes and jellies in fear” mean?
Answer : It means living a simple life with peace of mind is better than living luxuriously with constant worry and fear. Peace is more valuable than luxury.
8. What did the bear whisper to the traveler?
Answer : The bear whispered a wise message: never trust a friend who leaves you in times of trouble. This highlighted the importance of loyalty in friendship.
9. What is the main difference between country life and town life in the story?
Answer : Country life is simple, peaceful, and safe, while town life is luxurious but full of risks and dangers, as seen in the story of the mice.
10. Why do people still enjoy reading Aesop’s fables?
Answer : Aesop’s fables are timeless because they teach morals that are relevant in all ages. They are simple, engaging, and provide meaningful lessons through short stories.
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