Important Question For All Chapters – English Class 7
(Short Questions)
1. Who wrote the story “Little Girls Wiser than Old People”?
- Count Leo Tolstoy.
2. What is the setting of the story?
- A village during early Easter with snow and puddles.
3. What were the two girls wearing on their heads?
- Red kerchiefs.
4. Why did Akulka want to strike Malasha?
- Malasha splashed dirty water on Akulka’s new dress.
5. What caused the mothers to quarrel?
- Akulka’s mother saw her daughter’s soiled dress and blamed Malasha.
6. Who tried to stop the quarrel?
- Akulka’s grandmother.
7. How did the men get involved in the fight?
- They joined the quarrel between the women.
8. What did the old woman remind the villagers about the holiday?
- That it was a time for rejoicing, not fighting.
9. What activity did the two girls do after their fight?
- They worked together to widen a rill for the water to flow.
10. How did the crowd react when they saw the girls laughing?
- They felt ashamed and stopped fighting.
11. What is the main theme of the story?
- The innocence of children compared to the foolishness of adults.
12. What is a puddle as mentioned in the story?
- A small, shallow pool of water.
13. Why did the girls laugh at the end?
- They were amused by a chip floating in the rill.
14. How does the story describe Malasha’s reaction to the quarrel?
- She ran home frightened and crying.
15. What lesson does the story teach?
- Forgiveness and peace are wiser than prolonged arguments.
(Long Questions)
1. What was the reason for the fight between Akulka and Malasha?
- Malasha accidentally splashed water on Akulka’s new dress, making Akulka angry and causing her to scold and chase Malasha.
2. How did the adults escalate the fight?
- Akulka’s mother scolded Malasha, leading Malasha’s mother to retaliate, which involved other adults in a loud quarrel.
3. How did Akulka’s grandmother try to resolve the situation?
- She reminded the villagers about the significance of Easter and urged them to stop fighting and focus on the holiday’s joy.
4. What role did the two girls play in ending the quarrel?
- They forgave each other and started playing together again, which made the adults realize their own foolishness.
5. How does the story reflect the innocence of children?
- It shows how quickly children forgive and forget quarrels, unlike adults who hold grudges and escalate conflicts.
6. Why did the men and women feel ashamed at the end?
- They realized their foolishness in fighting over a trivial matter when the children had already reconciled.
7. What message does the old woman convey to the villagers?
- She urges them to consider the spirit of the holiday and the need for peace and unity.
8. How did the girls entertain themselves at the puddle?
- They played by walking through the puddle, splashing water, and widening the rill for the water to flow.
9. What is the significance of the title “Little Girls Wiser than Old People”?
- It highlights the wisdom of the children in resolving conflicts peacefully compared to the quarrelsome behavior of adults.
10. How does the story teach the importance of forgiveness?
- By showing how the girls forgave each other and played together again, it emphasizes that forgiveness leads to happiness and resolution.
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