MCQ Chapter 9 Science Class 6 Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – General Science Class 6Motion and Types of Motion 1. What type of motion does a rolling ball exhibit?Oscillatory motionLinear motionCircular motionRandom motionQuestion 1 of 202. The movement of the pendulum of a clock is an example of:Circular motionRandom motionOscillatory motionLinear motionQuestion 2 of 203. The motion of a player running on a curved track is an example of:Linear motionCircular motionRandom motionOscillatory motionQuestion 3 of 204. Which of the following is an example of random motion?The motion of a bird in the skyThe motion of a train on tracksThe motion of a car on a straight roadThe motion of a ceiling fanQuestion 4 of 205. What type of motion is observed in a crawling baby?Oscillatory motionCircular motionRandom motionLinear motionQuestion 5 of 206. The spinning of a top is an example of:Oscillatory motionCircular motionRandom motionLinear motionQuestion 6 of 207. What type of motion does a kite show while flying in the sky?Circular motionRandom motionLinear motionOscillatory motionQuestion 7 of 208. What type of motion does a stone rolling down a hillside exhibit?Linear motionCircular motionRandom motionOscillatory motionQuestion 8 of 209. What type of motion does the moon exhibit around the Earth?Oscillatory motionCircular motionLinear motionRandom motionQuestion 9 of 2010. The motion of a boat floating on water is an example of:Circular motionLinear motionRandom motionOscillatory motionQuestion 10 of 2011. Which type of motion is seen in the movement of a satellite around the Earth?Linear motionCircular motionRandom motionOscillatory motionQuestion 11 of 2012. The motion of a vibrating string of a guitar is an example of:Circular motionOscillatory motionRandom motionLinear motionQuestion 12 of 2013. What type of motion does a falling apple from a tree exhibit?Oscillatory motionLinear motionCircular motionRandom motionQuestion 13 of 2014. What type of motion does a washing machine drum show?Oscillatory motionLinear motionCircular motionRandom motionQuestion 14 of 2015. What type of motion does a bouncing ball exhibit?Oscillatory motionCircular motionRandom motionLinear motionQuestion 15 of 2016. What type of motion does a moving escalator exhibit?Circular motionLinear motionRandom motionOscillatory motionQuestion 16 of 2017. What type of motion does a horse running on a track exhibit?Circular motionLinear motionRandom motionOscillatory motionQuestion 17 of 2018. The movement of a child on a see-saw is an example of:Oscillatory motionCircular motionLinear motionRandom motionQuestion 18 of 2019. The hands of a clock show what type of motion?Oscillatory motionCircular motionLinear motionRandom motionQuestion 19 of 2020. What type of motion does a person walking on a treadmill exhibit?Oscillatory motionLinear motionRandom motionCircular motionQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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