MCQ Chapter 8 Science Class 6 Maharashtra Board Our Skeletal System and the Skin 1. What is the primary function of the rib cage?Provide movementProtect internal organsHelp digestionStore energyQuestion 1 of 202. Which joint allows movement in multiple directions?Hinge jointBall and socket jointGliding jointImmovable jointQuestion 2 of 203. How many bones are in a fully developed human body?200206212180Question 3 of 204. What type of joint is found in the wrist?Ball and socket jointHinge jointGliding jointFixed jointQuestion 4 of 205. What is the name of the lower jawbone?MandibleClavicleFemurRadiusQuestion 5 of 206. What would happen if there were no joints in our body?We would be able to move more freelyWe would not be able to moveOur bones would become strongerOur muscles would stop workingQuestion 6 of 207. What is the function of the backbone?Provide strengthProtect the spinal cordHelp in digestionStore calciumQuestion 7 of 208. What is the function of ligaments?Connect bones to musclesConnect bones to other bonesProvide movementStore nutrientsQuestion 8 of 209. Which of the following is an immovable joint?Shoulder jointSkull jointKnee jointAnkle jointQuestion 9 of 2010. What are bones mainly composed of?Muscle fibersWater and fatCalcium carbonate and calcium phosphateNerve tissuesQuestion 10 of 2011. How many pairs of ribs are in the human body?1012148Question 11 of 2012. What type of joint is found in the knee?Hinge jointBall and socket jointGliding jointPivot jointQuestion 12 of 2013. What helps the body maintain its shape and posture?Muscular systemSkeletal systemNervous systemDigestive systemQuestion 13 of 2014. What happens when we sweat?Body temperature increasesBody temperature decreasesSkin becomes drierBones become weakerQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the primary role of the skin?Protect internal organsAbsorb oxygenStore energyHelp in digestionQuestion 15 of 2016. What is the primary pigment found in human skin?HemoglobinKeratinMelaninCollagenQuestion 16 of 2017. What are the two main divisions of the skeletal system?Skull and limbsRib cage and skullAxial skeleton and appendicular skeletonSpine and limbsQuestion 17 of 2018. How does the skeletal system help in movement?It produces hormonesIt supports muscles through jointsIt generates energyIt controls nervesQuestion 18 of 2019. What happens if the spinal cord is damaged?Skin changes colorMovement is affectedBones stop growingThe heart stops beatingQuestion 19 of 2020. What should we do to keep our bones strong and healthy?Eat sugary foodsAvoid exerciseConsume calcium-rich foods and exercise regularlyAvoid the sunQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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