MCQ Chapter 7 Science Class 6 Maharashtra Board Nutrition and Diet 1. What is the role of Vitamin K in the body?Strengthens bonesAids in blood clottingHelps in digestionImproves visionQuestion 1 of 202. Which of these is an example of a water-soluble vitamin?Vitamin AVitamin DVitamin CVitamin EQuestion 2 of 203. Which vitamin deficiency leads to scurvy?Vitamin AVitamin CVitamin DVitamin KQuestion 3 of 204. What is the role of sodium and potassium in the body?Blood clottingWater balance and muscle functionDigestionVision improvementQuestion 4 of 205. Which of the following foods is a good source of iodine?ApplesFish and seafoodPeanutsRiceQuestion 5 of 206. What is the function of Vitamin B12?Helps in blood clottingFormation of red blood cellsImproves digestionStrengthens bonesQuestion 6 of 207. What is the main cause of malnutrition?Excess intake of fatsDeficiency or imbalance of nutrients in the dietEating too many fruitsDrinking too much waterQuestion 7 of 208. What is overnutrition?Eating too little foodA lack of vitamins in the dietEating excessive amounts of foodA condition where digestion stopsQuestion 8 of 209. Which of these is an example of junk food?MilkGreen leafy vegetablesChocolate and chipsSprouted pulsesQuestion 9 of 2010. What can frequent consumption of junk food lead to?Improved digestionMalnutrition and obesityStrong bonesBetter immunityQuestion 10 of 2011. Which of the following is an example of a probiotic food?YoghurtRiceMeatChipsQuestion 11 of 2012. Why should we include fibre in our diet?To gain weightTo improve digestionTo strengthen bonesTo increase sugar levelsQuestion 12 of 2013. What is the best way to avoid obesity?Eating junk food regularlyAvoiding exerciseHaving a balanced diet and staying activeConsuming excess fatsQuestion 13 of 2014. Which of these food groups should be eaten in the least quantity?CerealsFruits and vegetablesFats and oilsProteinsQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the food pyramid help us understand?How to cook foodThe right proportion of food groups for a balanced dietHow to store foodWhich food is tastyQuestion 15 of 2016. What is an adulterant?A nutrient that helps digestionA harmful substance mixed in food to increase quantity or profitA food preservativeA vitamin supplementQuestion 16 of 2017. Which of the following is an example of food adulteration?Adding vitamins to foodMixing brick powder in chilli powderDrinking milkEating fresh fruitsQuestion 17 of 2018. What is a balanced diet?A diet containing only fruits and vegetablesA diet containing all nutrients in the right proportionA diet with only proteins and fatsA diet with only carbohydratesQuestion 18 of 2019. Why should we avoid watching TV while eating?It improves digestionIt prevents obesity and overeatingIt increases appetiteIt makes food more nutritiousQuestion 19 of 2020. Why is it important to drink water along with food?To improve food flavorTo aid digestion and hydrationTo make food spicyTo increase fat absorptionQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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