MCQ Chapter 4 Science Class 6 Maharashtra Board Disaster Management 1. Which is NOT a cause of landslides?DeforestationHeavy rainfallEarthquakeIce skatingQuestion 1 of 202. What is a preventive measure for disasters?Ignoring warningsBuilding houses in flood-prone areasKeeping emergency kits readyAvoiding rescue operationsQuestion 2 of 203. Which is NOT a first aid step for dog bites?Wash the woundCover with a clean clothGet a rabies vaccineLeave the wound openQuestion 3 of 204. What happens when a flood occurs?Water level decreasesStanding crops get destroyedRoads remain unaffectedElectricity supply increasesQuestion 4 of 205. Which of the following is a human-made cause of earthquakes?Cloud formationDeforestationMining activitiesTsunamiQuestion 5 of 206. What should be done after a major earthquake?Stay inside damaged buildingsEvacuate to an open spaceUse an elevatorTouch exposed electrical wiresQuestion 6 of 207. What is the role of a ‘Sarpa-mitra’?Catching snakesKilling snakesProtecting and relocating snakesSelling snakesQuestion 7 of 208. Which of the following can cause terrorism-related disasters?EarthquakeFloodBomb explosionForest fireQuestion 8 of 209. What should you do in case of a chemical gas leak?Inhale deeplyStay in a closed roomMove to an open areaLight a matchQuestion 9 of 2010. What is a common after-effect of floods?Increased crop yieldSpread of diseasesDry landTemperature dropQuestion 10 of 2011. What number should be dialed for ambulance services in India?101102108100Question 11 of 2012. What should NOT be done during a lightning storm?Stay indoorsTake shelter under a treeAvoid using electronic devicesStay away from open fieldsQuestion 12 of 2013. What is a common cause of building collapse?Weak constructionHeavy snowfallSunlightHigh-speed windsQuestion 13 of 2014. What should be done if a vehicle is caught in a flood?Keep drivingAbandon the vehicle and move to higher groundOpen all windowsSpeed upQuestion 14 of 2015. Which natural disaster can change the direction of rivers?EarthquakeDroughtTornadoThunderstormQuestion 15 of 2016. Which of the following is NOT a fire safety measure?Using fire extinguishersBlocking emergency exitsConducting fire drillsKeeping flammable materials awayQuestion 16 of 2017. What should be avoided in a riot situation?Staying indoorsRunning into the crowdContacting authoritiesAvoiding confrontationQuestion 17 of 2018. What is the primary role of relief camps?Selling goodsProviding shelter and aidOrganizing eventsSpreading rumorsQuestion 18 of 2019. Why is community participation important in disaster management?Reduces panicIncreases destructionEncourages ignoranceCreates conflictQuestion 19 of 2020. Which number should be dialed for fire emergencies in India?100101108102Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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