MCQ Chapter 13 Science Class 6 Maharashtra Board Sound 1. What happens when a song is played on a speaker and you touch it?The speaker remains stillYou feel vibrationsThe speaker gets hotThe sound stopsQuestion 1 of 202. What type of sound is produced by rubbing grasshopper legs together?HummingChirpingBarkingWhistlingQuestion 2 of 203. What effect does continuous loud noise have on people?Improves concentrationCauses mental exhaustionIncreases intelligenceHelps with sleepQuestion 3 of 204. Where should factories and airports be located to reduce noise pollution?Near hospitalsNear schoolsAway from residential areasIn the middle of a cityQuestion 4 of 205. What happens when an aeroplane flies overhead?Produces a loud noiseReduces noise pollutionProduces a musical soundAbsorbs sound from the environmentQuestion 5 of 206. Why is the sound of a railway engine considered unpleasant?It is very loudIt is melodiousIt is softIt is rhythmicQuestion 6 of 207. What happens to sound when it travels through a liquid compared to air?Travels slowerTravels fasterStops movingTravels at the same speedQuestion 7 of 208. What can birds like robins and woodcocks do?Sing songsDetect the sound of earthworms in the soilCommunicate through lightProduce human-like soundsQuestion 8 of 209. How do bees and mosquitoes produce sound?By vibrating their vocal cordsBy flapping their wingsBy rubbing their legsBy producing electricityQuestion 9 of 2010. What happens when a bell is hung in a vacuum?Its sound is heard outsideIt produces a louder soundNo sound is heard outsideIt glowsQuestion 10 of 2011. Why does sound propagate more clearly through solids than through gases?Solids are lighterMolecules in solids are closely packedSolids absorb soundSound cannot pass through solidsQuestion 11 of 2012. What happens when we knock on a table and press our ear to it?The sound is heard more clearlyThe sound disappearsThe table absorbs the soundThe table produces lightQuestion 12 of 2013. How is sound produced in a sitar?By striking metal rodsBy blowing air into itBy plucking the stringsBy pressing buttonsQuestion 13 of 2014. Why do waves form on the surface of water in a pot when struck?Due to vibrationDue to heatingDue to evaporationDue to chemical reactionQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the effect of noise pollution on human health?Increases relaxationCauses hearing impairmentImproves concentrationHelps sleep betterQuestion 15 of 2016. Why are loud noises prohibited near hospitals and schools?To maintain peaceTo disturb studentsTo increase noise pollutionTo create a busy environmentQuestion 16 of 2017. Which of the following is an example of noise pollution?Whistling of birdsTraffic sounds in a cityRustling of leavesFlowing waterQuestion 17 of 2018. What is the medium of propagation of sound?A vacuumAny solid, liquid, or gasOnly airOnly waterQuestion 18 of 2019. What is a possible effect of excessive honking of vehicle horns?Improves hearing abilityCauses noise pollutionReduces traffic congestionHelps in sleeping betterQuestion 19 of 2020. What should be done to reduce noise pollution from televisions and radios?Increase the volumeKeep the volume moderatePlace them near windowsPlay them continuouslyQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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