MCQ Chapter 8 History Class 6 Maharashtra Board States after the Maurya Empire 1. Which Gupta king extended the empire to Malwa, Gujarat, and Saurashtra?Chandragupta IChandragupta IIKumaraguptaSamudraguptaQuestion 1 of 202. Who was the founder of the Vardhan dynasty?HarshavardhanPrabhakar VardhanKumaraguptaBhaskarvarmanQuestion 2 of 203. Who expanded the Vardhan empire significantly?HarshavardhanSamudraguptaPushyamitra ShungaChandragupta IIQuestion 3 of 204. What was the capital of Harshavardhan’s empire?PataliputraKanaujVaranasiPrayagrajQuestion 4 of 205. Which book was written by Banabhatta?RajtaranginiMilind PanhaHarshacharitaArthashastraQuestion 5 of 206. Which religion did Harshavardhan follow?HinduismJainismBuddhismZoroastrianismQuestion 6 of 207. Which Chinese traveler visited India during Harshavardhan’s reign?Hiuen TsangFa HienYuan ChwangMegasthenesQuestion 7 of 208. Where did Yuan Chwang stay for two years?PataliputraNalanda UniversityKashiUjjainQuestion 8 of 209. What was the ancient name of Kamrup?PragjyotishpurMagadhaKamarupaLumbiniQuestion 9 of 2010. Which ruler of Kamrup is mentioned in Samudragupta’s pillar inscription?BhaskarvarmanPushyavarmanHarshavardhanChandragupta IIQuestion 10 of 2011. Who ruled Kashmir in the 7th century CE?Karkot dynastyMaurya dynastyShunga dynastyGupta dynastyQuestion 11 of 2012. Who wrote ‘Rajtarangini’?BanabhattaKalhanaAshvaghoshaFa HienQuestion 12 of 2013. What does the book ‘Periplus of the Erythrean Sea’ mention Kamrup as?KirhadiyaPragjyotishpurMilind PanhaKashiQuestion 13 of 2014. What was the capital of the Kamrup kingdom?NalandaTaxilaPragjyotishpurPataliputraQuestion 14 of 2015. Which foreign traveler praised the people of Maharashtra?Fa HienYuan ChwangHiuen TsangMegasthenesQuestion 15 of 2016. What was Kashmir known as in ancient times according to Indian tradition?KashyapapurPragjyotishpurPataliputraUjjainQuestion 16 of 2017. Who was the first ruler of Kamrup?BhaskarvarmanPushyavarmanHarshavardhanChandragupta IIQuestion 17 of 2018. Which ancient university did Chinese travelers visit?TaxilaNalandaVikramashilaUjjainQuestion 18 of 2019. Who ruled Kashmir during Emperor Ashoka’s period?Gupta dynastyMaurya dynastyVardhan dynastyIndo-Greek kingsQuestion 19 of 2020. Who wrote about the history of Kashmir in ‘Rajtarangini’?BanabhattaKalhanaAshvaghoshaCharakaQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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