MCQ Chapter 8 History Class 6 Maharashtra Board States after the Maurya Empire 1. Who was the last Maurya Emperor?AshokaBrihadrathaPushyamitra ShungaChandragupta MauryaQuestion 1 of 202. Who established the Shunga dynasty?Pushyamitra ShungaBrihadrathaChandragupta ISamudraguptaQuestion 2 of 203. Where were the Indo-Greek kingdoms located?South IndiaNorthwest of the Indian subcontinentCentral IndiaEastern IndiaQuestion 3 of 204. Which Indo-Greek king discussed Buddhist philosophy with Nagasena?AlexanderKanishkaMenanderPushyamitra ShungaQuestion 4 of 205. What is the name of the book based on the discussions between Menander and Nagasena?ArthashastraMilind PanhaBuddhacharitaRajtaranginiQuestion 5 of 206. Which tribe from Central Asia invaded India and established their rule?KushanasShungasGuptasVardhanasQuestion 6 of 207. Who was the most famous Kushana king?MenanderChandragupta IIKanishkaSamudraguptaQuestion 7 of 208. Who was the first to mint gold coins in India?Gupta kingsIndo-Greek kingsKushana kingsMaurya kingsQuestion 8 of 209. Where was the fourth Buddhist Council held?NalandaKashmirPataliputraTaxilaQuestion 9 of 2010. What was written on Kanishka’s gold coin?Shao Nano Shao Kaneshki KoshanoMilind PanhaAllahabad PrashastiChandragupta VikramadityaQuestion 10 of 2011. Who wrote ‘Buddhacharita’ and ‘Vajrasuchi’?BanabhattaAshvaghoshaKalidasaCharakaQuestion 11 of 2012. Who was the famous physician in Kanishka’s court?CharakaSushrutaVagbhataDhanvantriQuestion 12 of 2013. Who founded the Gupta dynasty?SamudraguptaChandragupta IShriguptaHarshavardhanQuestion 13 of 2014. Which Gupta king began the expansion of the Gupta Empire?Chandragupta IISamudraguptaKumaraguptaSkandaguptaQuestion 14 of 2015. What is ‘Prayag-Prashasti’ also known as?Allahabad PrashastiRajtaranginiMilind PanhaBuddhacharitaQuestion 15 of 2016. Which musical instrument did Samudragupta play?VeenaFluteMridangamSitarQuestion 16 of 2017. Which Chinese traveler visited India during Chandragupta II’s reign?Fa HienHiuen TsangYuan ChwangMegasthenesQuestion 17 of 2018. What did Fa Hien mention about Indian society?People lived in povertyThere were hospitals for the poorThe administration was weakPeople were violentQuestion 18 of 2019. Where is the iron pillar from the Gupta period located?MehrauliPataliputraPrayagrajVaranasiQuestion 19 of 2020. Which Gupta king married his daughter Prabhavati to the Vakataka ruler?Chandragupta ISamudraguptaChandragupta IIKumaraguptaQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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